Airtel (Approved Tariff Plans)

1 Airtel INTRODUCTION OF WHOLESALE DATA FOR AirtelS ENTERPRISE BUSINESS. Data The service is designed to enable business enterprise to purchase large data minimum of 1 terabyte. This will allow the enterprise to share data, gift data to its customers. 29/02/1900 30/12/1901
2 Airtel INTRODUCTION OF AirtelVOICE OFFER ACQUISITION PROMOTION Bundle The promo is offered to new customers who purchase new SIM. The customer gets N500 which is split into N400 for voice andN100 for data. 29/02/1900 30/12/1901
3 Airtel Introduction of AirtelP2P SMS Offer SMS The offer is an SMS tariff plan targeted at customers that send SMS in large quantities. The plan charges prepaid customers N40 N80 depending on the category the customer falls into and allows the customers to send 20 extra SMS monthly. 21/07/2020 19/09/2020 21/07/2022
4 Airtel AirtelValue plus Tariff Plan Bundle The product is a tariff plan that offers subscribers voice bonus, calls to 5 international countries, local SMS. 15/09/2020 14/11/2020 15/09/2022
5 Airtel AirtelOne SIM Tariff Plan Voice The product is a tariff plan that offers subscribers voice bonus 50 % anytime of the day valid for 7 days, 50% for use on weekend. (See attached) 15/09/2020 14/11/2020 15/09/2022
6 Airtel AirtelValue Tariff Plan Voice The product is a tariff plan that offers subscribers a 1st call of the day charges at N3, calls to 5 international countries, local SMS. 16/09/2020 15/11/2020 16/09/2022
7 Airtel Airtel new data plan Data The product is a tariff plan that offer subscribers data with a validity period of 7-14 days and data allowance ranging from 75MB to 5GB. 18/09/2020 17/11/2020 18/09/2022
8 Airtel AirtelJumbo Plan Data Bundle The product is a bundle plan that offers subscribers voice and data. The data allocation ranges from 300MB to 70GB. The validity period is 7 days to 90 days. The price ranges from N300 to N20,000. 04/11/2020 03/01/2021 04/11/2022
9 Airtel Airtelmart Network Reloaded 2.0 Promotion. Data The 4G device offer will give customers free 4GB when they upgrade to its 4G network. Subsequently customer will receive 100% extra bonus for the first 3 months and 25% bonus for the following 3 months. 20/10/2020 19/12/2020 20/10/2022
10 Airtel Airtelmart Talk 2.0 Tariff Plan Data Airtelmart Talk tariff plan was previously APPROVEd with details shown above. The modification is a review to the access fee on 1st call of the day. 18/08/2020 17/10/2020 18/08/2022
11 Airtel Airtelocial data plans Data The Social data plans previously APPROVEd for Airtel, offer consumers data that can be used for certain social media handles such as Instagram 29/02/1900 30/12/1901
12 Airtel AirtelOpera Mini Bundles Data The Opera mini bundles will be used to access the opera mini browser and the opera news app. 16/03/2020 15/05/2020 16/03/2022
13 Airtel AirtelOCIAL DATA PLANSModification Data This is a plan that could only be used to access social media platforms 04/10/2020 03/12/2020 04/10/2022
14 Airtel AirtelS DATA PLAN SUBSCRIPTION RATES Data This is a plan that is designed for data centric coustomers on AirtelNetwork 04/10/2020 03/12/2020 04/10/2022
15 Airtel AirtelS NEW DATA PLAN Data This is a plan that is designed for data centric coustomers on AirtelNetwork 06/04/2020 05/06/2020 06/04/2022
16 Airtel AirtelOCIAL DATA PLANSModification Data This is a plan that could only be used to access social media platforms 15/05/2020 14/07/2020 15/05/2022
17 Airtel AirtelHOME BROADBAND PRODUCT OFFERING Data Device This is bundled package for data and outdoor routers 24/08/2020 23/10/2020 24/08/2022
18 Airtel AirtelDATA PLAN SUBSCRIPTION RATE Data This is a plan that is designed for data centric coustomers on AirtelNetwork 09/07/2020 07/09/2020 09/07/2022
19 Airtel AirtelTALKMORE PLUS BUNDLE Bundle This plan is more of voice offer that gives subscribers more voice and less data 13/10/2020 12/12/2020 13/10/2022
20 Airtel Airtel20X PLUS BUNDLE Bundle This plan gives subscribers 20x of data and voice 13/10/2020 12/12/2020 13/10/2022
21 Airtel AirtelMART PREMIER BASIC AND AirtelPREMIER BASIC PLUS BUNDLES Bundle This is a plan designed for postpaid subscribers on AirtelNetwork. It is a bundled offer 15/10/2020 14/12/2020 15/10/2022
22 Airtel AirtelTREAMING DATA PLAN Data This plan is intended to be used for video streaming on the network 20/10/2020 19/12/2020 20/10/2022
23 Airtel AirtelALIVE BUNDLE Data the plan is a segmented offer for youths that are data centric. 21/10/2020 20/12/2020 21/10/2022
24 Airtel AirtelONE SIM TARIFF PLAN Bundle this plan is voice only plan but the modifications tends to add a data segment to the bundle 21/10/2020 20/12/2020 21/10/2022
25 Airtel AirtelFREEDOM PLAN Bundle this plan is voice only plan but the modifications tends to add a data segment to the bundle 21/10/2020 20/12/2020 21/10/2022
26 Airtel AirtelVALUE PLUS TARIFF PLAN Bundle this is a bundled plan that the modification added 10MB to the variant 20/10/2020 19/12/2020 20/10/2022
27 Airtel AirtelMARTTALK 2.0 TARIFF PLAN Bundle this is a bundled plan that the modification added 10MB to the variant 28/10/2020 27/12/2020 28/10/2022
28 Airtel AIRTELTalkmore Value Plus Bundle Bundle The bundle targets subscribers who are voice centric. This bundle will be used wholly for voice. It is basically for AIRTELsubscribers who are already on a bonus tariff plan on its network. Subscribers are expected to subscribe using the *234# code. The bundle will have a validity of 30days except for the N60 talkmore value plus bundle that has 3days Validity. Subscribers shall be charged N51.29k/MB for data on pay as you use basis. 11/11/2020 10/01/2021 11/11/2022
29 Airtel NOTIFICATION OF MODIFICATION OF AirtelMART PREMIER PLUS TARIFF Bundle The product is a plan that offers subscribers data bonus for subscribers who recharge N500 and above. The data allocation ranges from 100MB to 1GB. The consumer is charged 40k/sec for the 1st minute and 11k/sec afterwards. 29/02/1900 30/12/1901
30 Airtel NOTIFICATION OF INTRODUCTION OF AirtelPOST PAID VALUE, AirtelPOST PAID GOLD AND AirtelPOST PLATINUM RENTAL PLANS Bundle The product is a postpaid plan that offers subscribers voice, data bonus and SMS. The allocation includes price 3000, 5000 and 10,000. 29/02/1900 30/12/1901
31 Airtel Airtel20x Value Plus Bundle Bundle This bundle comes in a variant of voice and data. The bundle is basically for Airtelubscribers who are already on a bonus tariff plan (Value Plus Plan) on its network. Subscribers are expected to subscribe using the *234# code. The bundle will have a validity of 30days. 11/11/2020 10/01/2021 11/11/2022
32 Airtel INTRODUCTION OF TALKMORE ONE SIM BUNDLE PLAN Bundle The bundle targets subscribers who are voice centric. This bundle will be used wholly for voice. It is basically for Airtelubscribers who are already on a bonus tariff plan (One Sim Plan) on its network. Subscribers are expected to subscribe using the *234# code. The bundle will have a validity of 30days except for the N60 talkmore One Sim bundle that has 3days Validity. Subscribers shall be charged N51.29k/MB for data on pay as you use basis. 11/11/2020 10/01/2021 11/11/2022
33 Airtel AirtelDynamis Subsidized Data for Educational Portals Plan Data The AirtelDynamis Subsidized Data for Educational Portals proposition is a data only plan with two (2) variant offerings. A subscriber on this plan gets 50% extra bonus data that can only be used for restricted educational portals as provided by Airtel. 16/12/2020 14/02/2021 16/12/2022
34 Airtel AirtelNew Device Plan Data Subscribers with new smartphone would get their data doubled for three months any time they renew their plan while subscribers with new Itel, infinix or techno smartphones will get their data double for 6months any time they renew their plan. 22/12/2020 20/02/2021 22/12/2022
35 Airtel NOTIFICATION OF THE Airtel2G DATA PLAN REQUEST FOR RENEWAL Data This plan gives subscribers who use 2G devices the opportunity to have access to affordable data plans. 22/12/2020 20/02/2021 22/12/2022
36 Airtel AirtelHellobuggie (Min and Max) Offering Bundle This is a bundled offer for both old and new subscribers to the AirtelNetwork. Airtelis in partnership with Hellobudgie Nigeria Limited (HB) to provide device financing to old and new subscribers on AirtelNetwork. Hellobudgie Nigeria Limited (HB) will pay for the bundle and provide details of the Airtelnumber to be activated on the bundle. 22/12/2020 20/02/2021 22/12/2022
37 Airtel POST PAID TOP UP DATA BUNDLES Data The Plan is a data plan that enables subscribers top up their data upon expiration of an existing validity. 06/01/2021 07/03/2021 06/01/2023
38 Airtel SOCIAL DATA PLAN Data The plan is an Instagram bundle data plan . renewed for another 2 years 06/01/2021 07/03/2021 06/01/2023
39 Airtel JUMBO PLAN- VOICE PORTION Bundle The plan offers bundle voce and data offering. renewed for another 2 years 06/01/2021 07/03/2021 06/01/2023
40 Airtel AirtelEveryday on data plan Data The product is available to both existing and new subscribers to the Airtelnetwork. The product gives subscribers a 30day upfront commitment at their convenience instead of the repeated daily opt-in on the plan. 25/01/2021 26/03/2021 25/01/2023
41 Airtel Airteltay on data plan Data The product offers subscribers data volumes ranging from 120MB to 288,220MB at different prices and validity. This new plan tends to give subscribers daily bonuses that ranges from 20MB to 50MB depending on the validity of the plan purchased. 25/01/2021 26/03/2021 25/01/2023
42 Airtel Airteltreaming Data Plan Data It is a data plan mainly for streaming only. 19/03/2021 18/05/2021 19/03/2023
43 Airtel Request for Renewal- AirtelTalkmore Bundle Plan Voice The plan offers data bundle plan at different price which are all valid for 30 days 29/04/2021 28/06/2021 29/04/2023
44 Airtel Notification of Introduction Family Bundle Plans Bundle The proposition offers voice, data and SMS to families and allows a subscriber (Principal line) to share data, voice and SMS with up to a maximum of 5 Airtelnumbers (Subordinate lines). 05/05/2021 04/07/2021 05/05/2023
45 Airtel AirtelVIDEO PACKS 2.0 Data The AirtelVideo packs comes in three variants YouTube plus Packs which can be used to stream on YouTube and other websites while the other two packs (YouTube weekly and monthly pack and YouTube Night Packs) can only be used strictly for YouTube streaming. This pack can be accessed by both existing and new subscribers to the AirtelNetwork. 19/05/2021 18/07/2021 19/05/2023
46 Airtel AirtelLegacy Data Plan Data this is a renewal of the data plan for another 2years 27/05/2021 26/07/2021 27/05/2023
47 Airtel NEW PAY AS YOU USE (PAYU) DATA RATE Data The product is designed for subscribers who have exhausted their data plan or subscribers that have no data plan, but wish to make use of the internet to have access to data at the above indicated segmented usage band and price. The new Pay As You Use Data Rate is also a commitment towards ensuring customer satisfaction and desire to always remain competitive in the market. 23/06/2021 22/08/2021 23/06/2023
48 Airtel AirtelDay and Night Plans Data The offer is available to both existing and new subscribers on the Airtelnetwork. The offer comes in two variants tagged Plan 1 and Plan 2. It gives subscribers access to data as low as N60 for 200MB and N120 for 450MB to be used on a daily and nightly allocation. The plan will have a 24hours validity for both variants. 28/06/2021 27/08/2021 28/06/2023
49 Airtel INTRODUCTION OF AirtelFIBER PLANS Data The offer is available to both existing and new subscribers on the Airtelnetwork. The plan is a fiber to homes offer that will give subscribers access to data at an affordable rate. The plan has a 30days validity. 07/01/2021 08/03/2021 07/01/2023
50 Airtel Request for Approval of 4G Upgrade Promotion Data The promotion offers subscribers 100% bonus for 3 months and extra 25% bonus for the next three months on any data purchased from N500 and above when: Subscribers upgrade from a non-4G AirtelIM to Airtel4G SIM or subscribers use a 4G smart within Airtel4G coverage area. The promotion also offers subscribers 100% bonus for 3 months on any data plan purchased from N500 and above when subscribers upgrade from a feature phone to a smart phone for the first time on AirtelNetwork. 05/07/2021 03/09/2021 05/07/2023
51 Airtel AirtelODU Acquisition offer Data Device this service tends to allow customers to acquire AirtelODU and make payment for the device over a set out period with data allocated to it and extra bonus for a period of six months 27/07/2021 25/09/2021 27/07/2023
52 Airtel AirtelUnlimited Bundle for ROuter and ODU Data The product is a modification to AirtelUltra-Plans for Router and ODU Customer data plan. In the new plan, Unlimited Ultra Plus with a price of N15,000 for 120GB valid for 30 days was introduced, while there are increase of data allowances and bonus data in other variants of the plan 29/07/2021 27/09/2021 29/07/2023
53 Airtel AirtelFamily Bundle Plan - Family Boaster Data The proposition allows the principal line of Airtelfamily bundle plan to top up data only within the validity of an existing family bundle plans 25/08/2021 24/10/2021 25/08/2023
55 Airtel Device Financinf Mini, Midi & Max Data this is a plan that will be sold alongside with device and repayment amortised over an agreed period. it eill come in three variants of Mini(4GB worth N1,200), Midi(6GB worth N1,500) and Max (10GB worth N2,000). All has a validy of 30days 13/09/2021 12/11/2021 13/09/2023
57 Airtel Airtel Home Broadband Seasonal Offer Data This a data plan for subscribers on either 4G mifi or router plan for a validity period of 30days for oneoff GB and 6months for the recurring offer 22/09/2021 21/11/2021 22/09/2023
58 Airtel Airtel Data Plans Data The product offers subscribers data volumes ranging from 40MB to 1048576MB at different prices and validity, This modification tends to increase the volume of data allowance for some of the price points. 23/09/2021 22/11/2021 23/09/2023
59 Airtel Airtel HBB Product offering - A new Plan Data This is a booster plan for routers on the HBB 27/09/2021 26/11/2021 27/09/2023
60 Airtel Airtel Online REcharge Data this is an incentive to recharge online 30/09/2021 29/11/2021 30/09/2023
61 Airtel Airtel 4G Upgrade Promotion Data A customer will get 4GB immediately after 4G SIM upgrade, 100% bonus for 3 months, plus 25% extra bonus for the next 3 months on any data plan from N500-N5000 when a customer upgrades to Airtel for the first time. 12/10/2021 11/12/2021 12/10/2023
62 Airtel Airtel Ultra Plan Data Home Broadband Service 29/02/1900 30/12/1901
63 Airtel Airtel Micro Bundles Bundle The product is a prepaid plan that offers subscribers voice and data. The prices for the bundle ranges from N100 to N500 18/10/2021
64 Airtel Airtel Eneterprise prepaid plan Bundle The offer is available to only enterprise prepaid subscribers on the Airtel. This is a prepaid voice only plan. The plan has a 30days validity. 02/11/2021 01/01/2022 02/11/2023
65 Airtel Airtelthanks CashToken Promotion Promotion The proposition offer subscribes that use a target credit level some cash token reward, in collaboration with VAS operators Celd innovation.
66 Airtel Airtel Retail Prepaid plan Bundle The Airtel Retail Prepaid Plan consists of Voice, SMS and Data Packages targeted at Airtel Prepaid subscribers with the aim of ensuring that they enjoy maximum benefits using Airtels services. 19/11/2021 18/01/2022 19/11/2023
67 Airtel Airtime Data Plans Data The proposition offers subscribers Daily/Weekly, monthly and Mega Plans at different prices and validity 01/12/2021 28/01/2021 01/12/2023
68 Airtel Airtel Family Bundle Plans (Family Booster) Bundle The proposition allows the principal line of Airtel Family bundle plan to top up data within the validity of an existing family bundle plan 01/12/2021 28/01/2021 01/12/2023
69 Airtel Airtel HBB Drive Offer Data Device The proposition allows new and existing subscribers to Airtel to get Mifi and router for free. Subscribers to this plan will also enjoy 100% bonus data for a period of six months. 02/12/2021 31/01/2022 02/12/2023
70 Airtel Digital Channel Offer Data The promo offers 10% and 20% bonus on all data plans bought between N50 and N20,000 through Airtel owned digital channels and normal digital channels 15/12/2021 13/02/2022 15/12/2023
71 Airtel Airtel Data Plus Plus Bundle Airtel seeks to offer its subscribers a new plan with a combination of data and voice 29/12/2021 27/02/2022 29/12/2023
72 Airtel Introduction of Airtel Wadata Bundle The proposition offers voice and data bundle to new Airtel subscribers who recharge N100 and above. 15/02/2022 16/04/2022 15/02/2024
73 Airtel Airtel Data Plans Data The proposition offers subscribers Daily/Weekly, Monthly and Mega Plans at different prices and validity 28/02/2022 29/04/2022 28/02/2024
74 Airtel Introduction of Airtel Tik Tok Bundles Data Airtel is introducing its Tik Tok Bundles in demonstration of its commitment towards ensuring customers satisfaction and market competitiveness. The bundles offer subscribers 400MB and 1GB of data at the price of N100 and N200 respectively to aceess the Tik Tok 24/02/2022 25/04/2022 24/02/2024
75 Airtel Introduction of Airtel New Social Media Bundle Data Airtel is introducing its New Social Media Bundles in demonstration of its commitment towards ensuring customer satisfaction and the desire to excite its customers. The product allows Airtel subscribers to enjoy social media bundles; All/Combined daily, weekly, and monthly social media bundles; and the super social media bundles 02/03/2022 01/05/2022 01/03/2024
76 Airtel Airtel 4G SMartphone Data PLan Data The proposition is available to subscribers with 4G phone, which uses 4G SIM in a 4G SIM slot within a 4G coverage. 08/04/2022 07/06/2022 07/04/2024
77 Airtel Airtel NIN Fucosed Incentive offer Data This offer seeks to reward Airtel subscribers that successfully register and link their correct National Identification Number (NIN) with their Airtel numbers with Airtime and data that will be subject to category of phone that the subscriber uses. 05/05/2022 04/07/2022 04/05/2024
78 Airtel Airtel Data Plus Plus Plan (Data ) Bundle This plan is a bundled offer - Voice, data and SMS. The plan comes in three variants and the recharge value range between N500 and N5000. The N500 recharge has a validity of 2days while the other three has validity of 30days. This plan is available to both new and existing subscribers on the network. 18/05/2022 17/07/2022 17/05/2024
79 Airtel Airtel DOuble Dash Tariff Plan Bundle The proposition is voice and data bundle which gives subscriber double of whatever is recharged. The data bonus available on this plan with come in 2variants based on what the subscriber recharges. 24/05/2022 23/07/2022 23/05/2024
80 Airtel Airtel Freedom Tariff plan Voice This is a tariff plan that offers subscribers on/off net voice at 12.29k per seconds. subscribers who wish to opt-out of the plan at first instance will do so free but will be charged a fee if he/she wants to return to the plan before one month. 03/06/2022 02/08/2022 02/06/2024
81 Airtel Airtel SmartTalk Tariff Plan Voice This is a bundle plan that also offers subscribers calls to 5 international countries (USA, UK, Canada, India and China) at 55k/s after which calls to other countries will be charged at standard rates 02/06/2022 01/08/2022 01/06/2024
82 Airtel Value Plus Tariff Plan Bundle The product offers subscribers voice, data, and SMS to 5 countries. Calls to these 5 countries shall be charged at N33/min while subsequent calls to any other country shall be charged at the standard rate 02/06/2022 01/08/2022 01/06/2024
83 Airtel Airtel Smart Recharge Bundle The Airtel Smart Recharge Bundle is an existing plan approved by the Commission. In this proposition, Airtel seeks to increase the burn rate for voice and data. 03/06/2022 02/08/2022 02/06/2024
84 Airtel Airtel Smart Connect Bundle The proposition is a bundle plan which rewards subscribers with different bonuses for different recharge bands. 03/06/2022 02/08/2022 02/06/2024
85 Airtel Airtel Smart trybe Bundle The proposition is a bundle plan which offers voice, data, SMS and international calls to subscribers. 06/06/2022 05/08/2022 05/06/2024
86 Airtel Airtel Talkmore bundle Plan Bundle The proposition is a plan which gives more value to voice 06/06/2022 05/08/2022 05/06/2024
87 Airtel Airtel Smart value Tariff Plan Bundle This is a voice only plan that allows all calls (Onnet/offnet) to be charged at a flat rate of N9.22/min. The plan will also offer subscribers calls to 5 international countries (USA, UK, Canada, India and China) at 55k/sec while calls to other countries will be charged at standard rates. 06/06/2022 05/08/2022 05/06/2024
88 Airtel Airtel 20x Plan Bundle 20x bundled plan is a plan that offer subscribers 20 times of the airtime value for voice and data. 07/06/2022 06/08/2022 06/06/2024
89 Airtel Airtel Value Tariff Plan Bundle This is a bundled plan that offer voice, data and SMS to subscribers 07/06/2022 06/08/2022 06/06/2024
90 Airtel Airtel Talkmore Plus Plan Bundle The modification will give subscribers options to choose between more voice or more data on the bundle at various validity. Subscribers are expected to subscribe using the *223# code. 21/06/2022 20/08/2022 20/06/2024
91 Airtel Airtel Smartoptimizer Tariff Plan Bundle this is a modification to the bundle 27/06/2022 26/08/2022 26/06/2024
92 Airtel Airtel Standard Mifi Offer Bundle This offer will give new and existing subscribers 10GB worth of data and a free mifi device at no cost. The data cost is N5,000. 27/06/2022 26/08/2022 26/06/2024
93 Airtel Airtel Router Smart Plans Data The proposition is a data only bundle plan that gives subscribers free router devices and a 100% recurring bonus on selected data purchases. 05/07/2022 03/09/2022 04/07/2024
94 Airtel Airtel Smart Mifi Offer Data Device This plan seeks to offer data services with a free Mifi device. There will be a recurring offer of 100% bonus on purchases of N5000 to N15000 and above recharges for 6 months. 21/07/2022 19/09/2022 20/07/2024
95 Airtel Airtel 6X Plan Bundle The plan offers voice calls and bonus of up to 6 times for onnet and allnet class. the plan has 5 prices ranging from N100 to N1000 02/08/2022 01/10/2022 01/08/2024
96 Airtel VALUE PLUS TARIFF PLAN Bundle The product offers subscribers voice, data, and SMS to 5 countries (USA, UK, Canada, India and China). Calls to these 5 countries shall be charged at N33/min while subsequent calls to any other country shall be charged at the standard rate. 01/09/2022 31/10/2022 31/08/2024
97 Airtel MICRO BUNDLE PLAN Bundle The Bundle comes in different price points of N100, N200.N300, N400 and N500. It allows subscribers to enjoy a combination of Data and Voice Minutes at pocket friendly rates for a validity period of 7 days. 01/09/2022 31/10/2022 31/08/2024
98 Airtel SMART PREMIER PLUS TARIFF PLAN Bundle The Bundle comes in different price points of N100, N200.N300, N400 and N500. It allows subscribers to enjoy a combination of Data and Voice Minutes at pocket friendly rates for a validity period of 7 days. 01/09/2022 31/10/2022 31/08/2024
99 Airtel PAY AS YOU USE DATA RATE Data In the absence of a data plan, PAYU data offers subscribers an alternative route to access internet services and be billed on a pay as you use rate for it. In other words, you get to browse with airtime on your line. 01/09/2022 31/10/2022 31/08/2024
100 Airtel 20X BUNDLE PLAN Bundle The 20X bundle plan offers subscribers 20 times of the airtime value for voice and data 01/09/2022 31/10/2022 31/08/2024
101 Airtel Airtel Freedom Tariff plan Bundle This is atariff plan that offers subscribers on/off net voice at 14.13k/s. subscribers who wish to opt out of the plan at 1st instance will do so free but will be charged fee if he/she want to return 01/09/2022 31/10/2022 31/08/2024
102 Airtel Airtel Smart Value Tariff Plan Voice This is a voice only plan that allows all calls to be charged at a flat rate of N10.60/ min. 01/09/2022 31/10/2022 31/08/2024
103 Airtel Airtel Ultra Plans Bundle This product is designed for subscribers that use huge data. The plan is expected to come in two variants untra plans and unlimited ultra plans 01/09/2022 31/10/2022 31/08/2024
104 Airtel Airtel Value Tariff Plan Voice This is a bundle plan that offers voice , data and sms to subscribers 01/09/2022 31/10/2022 31/08/2024
105 Airtel SMART CONNECT TARIFF PLAN Bundle The proposition is a bundle plan which rewards subscribers with different bonuses for different recharge bands. 01/09/2022 31/10/2022 31/08/2024
106 Airtel SMART TRYBE TARIFF PLAN Bundle The proposition is a bundle plan which offers voice, data, SMS and international calls to subscribers. 01/09/2022 31/10/2022 31/08/2024
107 Airtel SMART OPTIMIZER TARIFF PLAN Bundle The proposition offers subscribers voice and data bundle. 01/09/2022 31/10/2022 31/08/2024
108 Airtel WADATA BUNDLE PLAN Bundle The proposition offers 1000% voice and data bonus to new Airtel subscribers who recharge N100 and above. 01/09/2022 31/10/2022 31/08/2024
109 Airtel Airtel Thanks Cash Token/Recharge & Blow Promotion Promotion The proposition offers subscribers that meet a target credit level cash token reward. 01/09/2022 31/10/2022 31/08/2024
110 Airtel Airtel Talkmore Bundle Plan Bundle 01/09/2022 31/10/2022 31/08/2024
111 Airtel Airtel Double Dash Plan Bundle The proposition is a voice and data bundle which gives subscribers double of whatever is recharged. the data bonus available on this plan comes with 2 variants based on what the subscribers recharged 01/09/2022 31/10/2022 31/08/2024
112 Airtel Airtel Data Plans Data The proposition offers subscribers Daily/Weekly, Monthly and Mega Plans at different prices and validity. 05/09/2022 04/11/2022 04/09/2024
113 Airtel Airtel Talkmore Plus Plan Bundle The modification will give subscribers options to choose between voice or more data on the bundle at various validity 05/09/2022 04/11/2022 04/09/2024
114 Airtel Airtel Family Bundle Bundle The proposition allows the principal line of airtel family bundle plan to top up data within the validity 05/09/2022 04/11/2022 04/09/2024
115 Airtel AIRTEL SMARTTALK TARIFF PLAN Voice This is a bundle plan that also offers subscribers calls to 5 international countries (USA, UK, Canada, India and China) at 63.25k/sec while calls to other countries will be charged at standard rates. 05/09/2022 04/11/2022 04/09/2024
116 Airtel AIRTEL SMART RECHARGE BUNDLE (10X) Bundle The Airtel Smart Recharge Bundle is an existing plan approved by the Commission. In this proposition, Airtel seeks to increase the burn rate for voice and data. 05/09/2022 04/11/2022 04/09/2024
117 Airtel AIRTEL 6X PLAN Bundle This plan seeks to offer voice calls and bonus of up to 6 times for on-net and all-net calls. The plan has 5 prices ranging from N100 to N1000. 05/09/2022 04/11/2022 04/09/2024
118 Airtel Airtel One SIM Tariff Plan Bundle This is a tariff plan that offers subscribers voice bonus of 50% anytime of the day valid for 7days and another 50% for use on weekends. 05/09/2022 04/11/2022 04/09/2024
119 Airtel AIRTEL OVAJARA TARIFF PLAN Bundle Airtel seeks to offer Ovajara as its default price plan for all new customers. Ovajara offers subscribers a combination of voice, data and SMS. A bonus of 8 times is applicable on voice and data credit. 05/09/2022 04/11/2022 04/09/2024
120 Airtel Airtel Choplife Plan Bundle It is a bundled plan that offers subscribers voice and data to its subscriber 05/09/2022 04/11/2022 04/09/2024
121 Airtel My Offer Data Plan Data My Offer Data plans are Below The Line offers that will allow subscribers to upgrade Data usage and enjoy abundant data volume at different prices and validity periods 09/09/2022 08/11/2022 08/09/2024
122 Airtel Airtel Regional Bundle Plan Bundle This is a tariff plan that is being offered to indigenously to each respective region. The plan will be available nationally. 13/09/2022 12/11/2022 12/09/2024
123 Airtel AIRTEL DATA PLANS Data The proposition offers subscribers Daily/Weekly, Monthly and Mega Plans at different prices and validity. 30/09/2022 29/11/2022 29/09/2024
124 Airtel Airtel Axa-Mansard Telemedicine Bundle Data This is a tariff plan that offers subscriber a combination of data and telemedicine services. Airtel is offering this product in partnership with Mansard. 07/10/2022 10/12/2022 06/10/2024
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