Child Online Protection (COP) is an initiative which was established by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) in November 2008, to promote online safety of children around the world. ITU released the first set of COP guideline in 2009. The COVID-19 pandemic increased the number of children online due to remote schooling this led to the release of the revised ITU guidelines on COP in July 2020.
The Commission held a virtual hangout with children in order to adopt the revised and localized guidelines, for Nigerian children. The localized versions are:
- Online With AGENT COP
- Online Safety Activity Book - Work with Agent COP
- Online Safety Activity Book - Teacher's Guide
- What you need to know about Cyberbullying
These localized version were translated into Pidgin (Pi)– Yoruba (Wa), Hausa (Zo), Igbo (Bia), known as the PiWaZoBia collection. These are available for download.
Online with Agent COP
Online Safety Activity Book
- Work with Agent COP Combined (PiWaZoBia)
- Pidgin (Pi)
- Yoruba (Wa)
- Hausa (Zo)
- Igbo (Bia)
The Commission chaired the committee setup by the Honorable Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, to develop the draft National Child Online Protection Policy and Strategy (NCOPPS).
The Committee was co-chaired by National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) and had members across key stakeholders as identified by FMCDE - Federal Ministry of Justice (FMoJ), Federal Ministry of Women Affairs (FMoW), Association of Licensed Telecommunications Operators of Nigeria (ALTON), National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP), Cybersecurity Experts Association of Nigeria (CSEAN), and Network Against Scam and Cybercrime.
The Committee was given the mandate to build on existing initiatives on Child Online Protection (COP), provide a coherent strategy to meet global best practices, and further develop the existing child protection ecosystem.
NCOPPS document will be uploaded accordingly.
Keeping Children Safe Online - Advice To Parents And Caregivers
The Commission being a member of the ICANN Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) adopted and localized the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (EUROPOL) International Edition of the ‘COVID-19 Online Safety Advice for Parents and Carers released in 2020 to develop its own document 'Keeping Children Safe Online - Advice for Parents and Caregivers.'