Frequently Asked Questions


How do I fill the Company Secretary information?
  1. Upload Shareholder and Company Secretary Information just the same way you uploaded Director.
  2. Company Shareholder and Shareholding as well as Company Secretary must be listed on CAC Company Status Report.

What are the requirements for obtaining a Licence

A. The requirements for Class Licence

Sign up on and click on Licensing Application Management System to apply:

1. Fill the form and upload the relevant documents listed below:

Can I process my application directly with the Commission without a third party?

You can process your Licence directly with the Commission. NCC has not appointed any agent for the purpose of processing and obtaining Licences on behalf of applicants.

Short Code inquiries

Short code inquiries or renewal - Contact [email protected] or [email protected].

I want to apply for a Licence (new Individual Licence application)

Steps for Applying for new Individual Licence:

Step 1

Does the NCC grant Licences for establishment of an FM Radio Station?

The NCC does not grant Licences for radio broadcasting. You may contact the Nigerian Broadcasting Commission for further information on establishing a FM Radio Station.

What do I do if I am having payment issue and cannot generate invoice?


Tel: +234-9-4617055, and 234-9-4618714

Send an email to [email protected]

Any training sessions on the online application process?

A tutorial video is available on the LAMS application portal on how to use the application. You may contact the Commission at [email protected] for any further enquiries.

What is the minimum share capital required by a Company applying for a Licence?

An applicant must be adequately capitalized to provide the proposed service. Evidence of sufficient funding is one of the requirement for Licence.

I have submitted my application, when am I getting my certificate? I want to know the status of my application
  1. Once your Licence application is successfully submitted, channel all further enquires via the comment section of the Licensing Application Management System (LAMS)
  2. Log into your profile
  3. Open your ongoing application
  4. Send you comments via chat window at the top right-hand corner of the dashboard.
  5. Contact:

Tel: +234-9-4617055, and 234-9-4618714

Send an email to [email protected]