Globacom (Approved Tariff Plans)

1 Globacom GLO Router Data Bundle Data A data plan that gives 100GB data upon payment of 17,613. Subsequently, a subscriber who buys a data bundle of N5,000 and above will get an addittional allowance/ bonus of 6GB. The recurring bonus will run for a period of 12 months. 20/01/2020 20/03/2020 19/01/2022
2 Globacom GLO MiFi Data Bundle Data 25GB Data for N3,840. Then a recurring bonus of 3GB on purchase of data plan N5,000 and above for a period of 12 Months. 23/01/2020 23/03/2020 22/01/2022
3 Globacom GLO Busuu Language Learning APP Content The service gives subscribers access to learning languages for N270 weekly 12/03/2020 11/05/2020 12/03/2022
4 Globacom GLO Work From Home Extra Data Plan Data The plan is a dat plan designed for subscribers working from home due to the COVID-19 Pandemic 26/03/2020 25/05/2020 26/03/2022
5 Globacom Revision of GLO 6X Voice Offer Bundle The plan gives subscribers six times the value of their recharge and N6/MB to access . The modification increased call rate from 67k per sec to70k per sec and PAYG FROM N6/MB TO N18/MB 27/03/2020 26/05/2020 27/03/2022
6 Globacom GLO Yakata Plan Bundle The modification increases call rates from 70k/Sec to 77k/ Sec. Data bonus is reduced from 50MB to 40MB and intoduced a 150% extra data on the first recharge of the month for N200 and above. 27/03/2020 26/05/2020 27/03/2022
7 Globacom GLO Freedom Data Plans Data The proposition is a new data plan with 5 price variants and a further provision of night bonus for every data plan price on the plan. 30/03/2020 29/05/2020 30/03/2022
8 Globacom GLO Stay Home Data Plans Data The plan is a data only plan for subscribers working from home. 30/03/2020 29/05/2020 30/03/2022
9 Globacom GLO Free Tomorrow Voice The plan gives subscribers a 200% daily bonus incentive on all recharges of N100 and above. The modification reviews burn rate from 28k/Sec to 30k/Sec. 30/03/2020 29/05/2020 30/03/2022
10 Globacom GLO Games Portal Content Using Short Code 55883, subscribers can have access to two games from over 200 premium games on the portal 10/04/2020 09/06/2020 10/04/2022
11 Globacom GLO Bumpa Plan Voice The plan gives Subscribers 200% incentive on recharges of N100 and above. The modification seeks an upward review of call rate from 55k/Sec to 60k/Sec. 10/04/2020 09/06/2020 10/04/2022
12 Globacom COVID-19 STAY AT HOME VOICE AND SMS PALLIATIVE Bundle The proposition offer palliatives of 300 Free SMS 8 Free Minutes. The data component of 500MB and 1GB was declined 16/04/2020 15/06/2020 16/04/2022
13 Globacom GLO Busuu Language Learning APP Content The modification seeks to introduce a daily subscription charged at N20/Day and reduced the weekly subscription fee from N270 to N100. 17/06/2020 16/08/2020 17/06/2022
14 Globacom GLO Rewards (Cash Token) Content VAS service in partnership with CelD Limited 18/06/2020 17/08/2020 18/06/2022
15 Globacom GLO Stay Home Data Plans Data Increase in Data Allowance 10/07/2020 08/09/2020 10/07/2022
16 Globacom GLO Daily Data Plans Data Modification of N50 and N100 data variant and introduction of Sunday Plan for 1.25GB at N200. 10/07/2020 08/09/2020 10/07/2022
17 Globacom GLO Retail Rate for IDD Destinations Voice The proposition is a submission of rates for International Direct Dialing (IDD) 16/07/2020 14/09/2020 16/07/2022
18 Globacom GLO New Voice Tariff Voice A voice tariff plan that charges access fee of N7.17 and then 11k/Sec voice rate till the end of the day. 17/07/2020 15/09/2020 17/07/2022
19 Globacom GLO Data Roaming Packs Data A data tariff plan that gives subscribers access to data roaming in selected countries in four different zones. 27/07/2020 25/09/2020 27/07/2022
20 Globacom GLO 4 % Extra Bonus Done on GLO Cafe App Voice The proposition gives out a 4% bonus on recharge above N20,000 done on GLO Caffe App. 10/08/2020 09/10/2020 10/08/2022
21 Globacom GLO 20% Bonus on Recharge Voice the proposition gives out a 20% bonus on recharge from N100 and above. Bonus is valid for 1 day at a burn rate of N30/Min. 10/08/2020 09/10/2020 10/08/2022
22 Globacom GLO Social Media Data Plans Data A bspoke plan for YouTube, Opera Bundles WTF Bundles and Sovial Single Bundles 21/08/2020 20/10/2020 21/08/2022
23 Globacom GLO Sponsored Data Service Data The plan enables corporate organizations buy data in bulk for visitors who visit their websites to watch the vidoes and content for free. 21/08/2020 20/10/2020 21/08/2022
24 Globacom GLO School Data Packs Data The proposition offers educational institutions high volume data bundles shared amongst students for teaching and learning. 21/08/2020 20/10/2020 21/08/2022
25 Globacom GLO Mega Plans Data The plan allows GLO Subscribers enjoy large volumes of Data from 225 GB to 1Terabyte 25/08/2020 24/10/2020 25/08/2022
26 Globacom GLO Vybe Youth Offer Bundle The proposition is a bundled voice and data plan, a dedicated night plan and a SMS offering targeted at young GLO Subscribers. 26/08/2020 25/10/2020 26/08/2022
27 Globacom GLO Smart Learning Suite Data The proposition seeks to offer a platform for online scholl management. An ERP Solution for Primary and Tertiary Schools. 26/08/2020 25/10/2020 26/08/2022
28 Globacom GLO Data Plan for Badagry Data The Plan targets a segment of the data market of Badagry and made the plan available to allGLO subscribers 31/08/2020 30/10/2020 31/08/2022
29 Globacom GLO Campus Booster Plan Bundle The plan is a bespoke service offering for Tertiary Institution Students. The modification seeks to increase the data allowance and introduce an off-campus component. 09/09/2020 08/11/2020 09/09/2022
30 Globacom GLO 20% Extra Bonus on the GLO Cafe App Voice GLO offers 20% Extra Bonus on Recharges of N100 and above but not more than N20,000 on the GLO Cafe App 09/09/2020 08/11/2020 09/09/2022
31 Globacom GLO Berekete Plan Bundle A bundled voice and data plan that offers 6 times value of recharge for new customers and 7 times value for existing Customers. 11/09/2020 10/11/2020 11/09/2022
32 Globacom GLO Data Plans For New Customer Data A data only plan priced range from N50 to N20,000 for New GLO Customers. 11/09/2020 10/11/2020 11/09/2022
33 Globacom GLO 3G to 4G Upgrade Promotion Offer Data GLO seeks to reward all subscribers with 10GB onetime data bonus who upgrade their current 2G/3G SIMs to 4G LTE SIMs and buys any data plan of N500 and above. 21/09/2020 20/11/2020 21/09/2022
34 Globacom GLO Borrow Me Credit N25 Bundle Airtime loan service charged at 12% interest 25/09/2020 24/11/2020 25/09/2022
35 Globacom GLO Busuu Language Learning APP Content The service is an App that allows a customer learn more than 12 languages ranging from French, English, German, Italian and many other. The service will be offered on a weekly plan of N270. In addition, a customer can opt in/out of the plan using a short code. 29/02/1900 30/12/1901
36 Globacom GLO 5X Offer Voice The plans offers 5 times bonus on N50 recharge. The modification changed the voice call rate from 60k per sec to 68k per sec. 29/02/1900 30/12/1901
37 Globacom GLO Super Value Packs Bundle The plan offers a bundle of data and voice element 29/02/1900 30/12/1901
38 Globacom GLO YOUTUBE TIME BASED PLANS Data The proposition offers subscribers YouTube Streaming services at different streaming times and validities for different prices. 16/12/2020 14/02/2021 16/12/2022
39 Globacom NOTIFICATION OF PROPOSED LAUNCH OF GLO TV Data The GLO TV service is a subscription based service that gives GLO subscribers access to a variant of entertainment channels upon payment of a daily subscription fee. 21/04/2021 20/06/2021 21/04/2023
40 Globacom NOTIFICATION OF GLO MIFI AND ROUTER PROPOSITION Data The GLO MiFi and Router Proposition is a device and data bundle plan targeted at new subscribers on GLO network. Subscribers who purchase either the MiFi device or Router device are thereafter rewarded with recurring data bonuses for a consecutive period of six (6) months. 22/04/2021 21/06/2021 22/04/2023
41 Globacom Notification of GLO always on - Yearly Validity Product Content The proposition is a subscription based service that enebles a subscriber to preserve his/her mobile line and prevent it from being churned (due to inactvity) by paying an annual subscription fee of N500 05/05/2021 04/07/2021 05/05/2023
42 Globacom GLO TV Data Packs Data The proposition is a dedicated data plan that can be used by GLO subscribers to access the various contents of the GLO TV Plan. 11/06/2021 10/08/2021 11/06/2023
43 Globacom Notification of the modification of GLO TV Content The proposition is a dedicated subscription fee that can be used by GLO subscribers to Blockbuster Movies on the GLO TV Plan. 23/06/2021 22/08/2021 23/06/2023
44 Globacom Extension of promotional offer Data The promotion comprises of the following data components - GLO seeks to reward all subscribers with 10GB one-off data bonus who upgrade their current 2G/3G SIMs to 4G LTE SIMs and buys any data plan of N1,000 and above. The one-off data benefit of 10GB will be valid for 7 days. 25% data bonus will be given to the subscribers on subsequent data purchase. 10/08/2021 09/10/2021 10/08/2023
45 Globacom Notification of the proposed modification of Glo Data Plans Data The proposition offers data bundles to new and existing subscribers at different prices and different validity periods. 11/11/2021 10/01/2022 11/11/2023
46 Globacom Glo Joy Unlimited Extravaganza Data The promotion offers subscribers a chance to win prizes upon daily, weekly and monthly recharge by dialing a dedicated USSD code 22/12/2021 20/02/2022 22/12/2023
47 Globacom 4.5G SMARTPHONE FESTIVALS PLAN Data The service is designed to enable subscribers purchase a 4G phone from Globacom. The phone will be priced at market price plus a margin. The subscriber gets data for 6 month depending on the bundled data allocated based on the margin. 29/12/2021 27/02/2022 29/12/2023
48 Globacom 15% Bonus Offer on E-Top up recharges Voice The proposition offers a 15% bonus on Glo Berekete and Glo 11Kobo on recharges of N100 and above 02/03/2022 01/05/2022 01/03/2024
49 Globacom Glo EPL Data Bundle Data The proposition is a data only plan offered in two price variants and targeted at Glo subscribers that are fans of the English Football Premier League 04/03/2022 03/05/2022 03/03/2024
50 Globacom GLO TV ACCESS PACKS Content The proposition is subscrition to access content on Globacom TV. Priced at N100 (3days) N450 (7days) N1,400 (30 days) N900 (7 days ) and N3,200 (30 days) 01/04/2022 31/05/2022 31/03/2024
51 Globacom Glo (Midnight- 12am to 5am) Data Plan Data The proposition offers data bundles to new and existing subscribers at different prices and different validity periods 10/05/2022 10/07/2022 11/05/2024
52 Globacom Berekete 10x Bundle The proposition is an existing bundled voice and data plan targeted at both new and existing subscribers on the Globacom network. 09/05/2022 08/07/2022 08/05/2024
53 Globacom Glo TV access packs Content The proposition is an entertainment service that gives subscribers access to an array of movies and other showbiz content. In this proposition, Globacom seeks to review the Subscription fee for the 3Days Video on Demand (VOD) Access fee from N100 to N150. 02/09/2022 01/11/2022 01/09/2024
54 Globacom GLO CAMPUS BOOSTER PLAN Data The Campus Booster plan is an existing data only location-based plan targeted at University Campuses. This proposed modification seeks to increase the data allowances across all recharge amounts and introduce a night data bonus from 12 am to 5am. 05/09/2022 04/11/2022 04/09/2024
55 Globacom The New High Volume YouTube Data Plans Data The proposition is a new data only plan offering bespoke data allowances strictly for usage on the YouTube Platform. 23/09/2022 22/11/2022 22/09/2024