ISPs (Approved Tariff Plans)

1 IPNX Nigeria Limited Package Upgrade and Introduction of New Packages Data Upgrade of the existing package and introduction of new and improved data packages 03/07/2020 01/09/2020 03/07/2022
2 NETZPLAN RECOURCES LIMITED NOTICE OF TARIFF MODIFICATION-NETZPLAN RECOURCES LIMITED Data The product are capped data plans designed for subscribers of Netzplan Resources Limited as an effort to alleviate the pangs of Covid-19 pandemic on their subscribers. 24/07/2020 22/09/2020 24/07/2022
3 Spectranet Try & Buy Promo Data The proposed promotion offers free data as an incentive for inactive customers to be active on Spectranet broadband services 22/12/2020 20/02/2021 22/12/2022
4 Teleweb Services Limited Notification of Tariff Plans and Request for Approval Data The proposition offers subscribers unlimited internet plans to homes at different prices and broadband speed 02/02/2021 03/04/2021 02/02/2023
5 Radical Technology Network Limited Notice of Tariffs and Plans Data Radical Technology Network Limited will be providing Ka-band Satellite broadband service throughout Nigeria. The service will be available to various types of users like consuders, enterprises, hospitality and retail, public sector and operators & IT. Users will purchase equipment comprising of a satellite dish with its components (Outdoor Unit (ODU)) and HT2000 modem (Indoor Unit (IDU)) in order to use this service. 11/05/2021 10/07/2021 11/05/2023
6 Swift Network Limited Swift Networks Limited's Request for Promotions and Service Plans Promotion The promotion applies to all Swift Network data plans as APPROVEd by the Commission. Please see attached approvals for ease of reference. 16/06/2021 15/08/2021 16/06/2023
7 VDT Communications Limited Request for pricing approval Data The proposition offers subscribers unlimited internet plans to homes at different prices and broadband speed. 06/07/2021 04/09/2021 06/07/2023
8 Cobranet Limited Ugo Price List Plans Data Cobranet is a company that provides internet broad band to residential houses, it has various plans with speeds ranging from 800Kbps to 3Mbps. 13/09/2021 12/11/2021 13/09/2023
9 Cobranet Limited UGO MAX & UGO MAX PLUS Data Cobranet is a company that provides internet broad band to residential houses, to have internet access services in Lekki- Lagos with Unlimited Data Cap without FUP applicable to the Tariff plans. 14/09/2021 13/11/2021 14/09/2023
10 Cobranet Limited Ugo Flix, Ugo Flix Multi, Ugo Flix Multi Pro, Ugo Flix Xtra Data Cobranet is a company that provides internet broad band to residential houses, to have internet access services in 14/09/2021 13/11/2021 14/09/2023
11 Cobranet Limited UgoFlix Plans Data Cobranet is a company that provides internet broad band to residential houses, they have various plans with speed ranging from 6.0Mbps to 20Mbps. 16/09/2021 15/11/2021 16/09/2023
12 Cobranet Limited Lagos Dedicated Plans Data Cobranet is a company that provides internet broad band to residential houses, they have various plans with speed ranging from 1.0Mbps to 155Mbps. The plan is targeted at Lagos residents. 16/09/2021 15/11/2021 16/09/2023
13 Cobranet Limited ABUJA DEDICATED PLANS Data Cobranet is a company that provides internet broad band to residential houses, they have various plans with speed ranging from 1.0Mbps to 10Mbps. The plan is targeted at Abuja residents. 16/09/2021 15/11/2021 16/09/2023
14 Content Oasis Unlimited Plans and Volume Based Plans Data The plan consists of two plans the Unlimited plans and the volume-based plan. The volume-based plan consists of two plans with a data cap of 50GB and 100 GB while the unlimited plans consist of plans with a speed between 5Mbps and 15Mbps. 16/09/2021 15/11/2021 16/09/2023
15 Spectranet Spectranet VOlte TAriff Bundle The proposition offers customers bundled tariff plans that has both voice and data. This plan is a monthly plan that can only be accessed by Volte customers. 22/09/2021 21/11/2021 22/09/2023
16 Swift Network Limited NEW SALES BUNDLE FTTX Data The proposition is a Fiber to the X (FTTX) service, offering unlimited internet service at 10mbps for N45,800 burstable speed for a period of 30 days. 21/10/2021 20/12/2021 21/10/2023
17 Swift Network Limited SWIFT QUARTERLY AND ANNUAL PLAN Data The proposition offers three (3) variants of data plans: Swift Quarterly Plan, Swift Quarterly Unlimited Plan and Swift Annual Plan for both new and existing subscribers on Swift Networks Limited. 12/10/2021 11/12/2021 12/10/2023
18 Swift Network Limited NEW SALES BUNDLE WTTX Data The proposition offers fifteen (15) variants of unlimited internet bundle service for both new and existing subscribers on Swift Networks Limited. 29/09/2021 28/11/2021 29/09/2023
20 Spectranet 3MBPS Plan Data The proposition offers Subscribers unlimited data plan with monthly validity period 29/11/2021 27/01/2021 29/11/2023
21 Spectranet New WinBack Promotion Offer Promotion The proposed promotion offers free data as an incentive for inactive customers to be active on Spectranet Broadband services 25/11/2021
22 Smile Flash Sale Offer Promotion The proposition offers subscribers who purchase devices and data bundles bonus airtime and data upon activation. 29/11/2021 29/11/2023
23 Spectranet Notification of the Introduction of Spectranet Fixed Broadband Data Plans Data The Proposition Offers customers unlimited data with FUP. this Plan is a monthly plan that can only be accessed in Lagos and Abuja 30/11/2021 28/01/2021 29/11/2023
24 Spectranet WITEL MEGA SAVER PROMO Promotion OFFERS DEVICE, VOICE AND DATA TO SUBSCRIBERS 20/01/2022 21/03/2022 20/01/2024
25 IPNX Nigeria Limited Residential Unlimited Series, FOS Flagship Series, SME Series Bundle The proposition seek to modify three existing IPNX data plans by way of an upward review of data prices and removal of FUP on the plans. The plans to be modified includes the unlimited series plan, FOS Xtreme Flagship Series Plan and the SME Series Plan 09/07/2021 09/09/2021 09/07/2023
26 Swift Network Limited Promo Swift Essential Mini, Promo Swift Essential_N-XG, Promo Essential Plus_N-XG and Promo Swift Club Plus_N-XG Data The proposition offers corporate and individual internet plans at different prices and different validity periods 16/12/2021 14/02/2022 16/12/2023
27 NTEL 50% Data Bonus Offer Promotion The promo is designed to delight her esteemed customers who use Ntel's unlimited plans with a 50% data bonus for a period of 12 months. 29/12/2021 27/02/2022 29/12/2023
28 Spectranet MODIFICATION OF SPECTRANET LTE SUBSCRIPTION PLANS Data The proposition is a modification of the plan for Spectranet LTE plans which offers subscribers data capped plans and unlimited plans based on their individual preference. 28/01/2022 29/03/2022 28/01/2024
29 VDT Communications Limited Data The proposition offers subscribers data plans with different data allowances at different price. All the plans have validity periods of 30 days. 23/02/2022 24/04/2022 23/02/2024
30 VDT Communications Limited Bigga Bumper Content The proposition offers subscribers data plans with different data allowances and speeds at different prices. The 2 plans have validity periods of 30 days 24/02/2022 25/04/2022 24/02/2024
31 Ciudad Limited Residential, Wifi Access and Enterprise Data The proposition offers subscribers Residential, Wi-Fi and Enterprise plans at different prices. 18/03/2022 17/05/2022 17/03/2024
32 Spectranet SMART CHOICE, SMART VALUE & BUMPA VALUE PLANS- REQUEST FOR RENEWAL Data The proposition are in three (3) categories which offers customer capped data, unlimited data and unlimited night for some selected plans. In addition the plans range from 4.5 GB to unlimited plans. 03/06/2022 02/08/2022 02/06/2024
33 SMILE COMMUNICATIONS E-SIM OFFER Bundle The offer is a plan that gives a subscriber an E-Sim with 10 minutes for local calls with a validity of 30 days. 10/06/2022 09/08/2022 09/06/2024
34 Spectranet SIM ONLY Data The Spectranet SIM only plan will be available to new subscribers who purchase a Spectranet SIM without a device. Under this plan, customers will be offered Spectranet SIM irrespective of the device used. The plan is in 2 variants named SIM super saver 1k and SIM super saver 2k. 05/07/2022 03/09/2022 04/07/2024
35 Spectranet Spectranet 4LTE Subscription Plans Data The Spectranet 4LTE data plans consist of a variety of data offerings available to subscribers. Spectranet seeks to amend this offering by extracting the Mini data plans in column 2 and 3 and offer them as independent plans. 05/07/2022 03/09/2022 04/07/2024
36 Spectranet Spectranet Booster Tariff Plan Data Spectranet seeks to offer the booster tariff plans to existing subscribers who are within an existing plan but need more data. The booster offer is in 6 variants. 05/07/2022 03/09/2022 04/07/2024
37 Spectranet Long Validity Tariff Plan Data Spectranet seeks to offer all 4GLTE subscribers data plans with long validity periods of 90 days, 180 days and 360 days 14/07/2022 12/09/2022 13/07/2024
38 Spectranet Try & Buy Data The promotion offers free data as an incentive for inactive subscriberss to be active on spectranet broadband services 18/07/2022 16/09/2022 17/07/2024
39 Spectranet Witel Mega Saver Bundle The promotion offers voice, data and a device to subscribers. 18/07/2022 16/09/2022 17/07/2024
40 Spectranet Happy Saver Promo Data Happy Saver Promo- This promo is designed to encourage renewal from inactive subscribers by offering discounts on a time-to-time basis. 25/07/2022 23/09/2022 24/07/2024
41 SMILE COMMUNICATIONS SMILEVOICE ONLY PLANS Voice The product seeks to offer subscribers bundled minutes for local offnet calls 02/08/2022 01/10/2022 01/08/2024
42 Spectranet Spectranet kulele plans Data The Spectranet Kulele Data Plan is an existing data only plan with six (6) price variants. 04/08/2022 03/10/2022 03/08/2024
43 Spectranet Spectranet LTE Subscription Plans Data The Spectranet LTE Subscription Plans is an existing data only plan with sixteen (16) price variants. 04/08/2022 03/10/2022 03/08/2024
44 Liquid Intelligent Technologies Fiber or radio based on Feasibility & Wholesale Data The proposition offers subscribers different data plans such as Lease line to Customer premises, Fiber or radio based on feasibility and wholesale at different price range. 08/08/2022 07/10/2022 07/08/2024
45 Spectranet UL Diamond 300GB 28000 Data 'The Spectranet 4GLTE Data Subscription plan is an existing plan approved by the Commission. The proposition as submitted by Spectranet seeks to extract the ''UL Diamond 6Mbps 28000'' as a single tariff plan. ' 08/08/2022 07/10/2022 07/08/2024
46 Gifranet Wireless Network RESIDENTIAL AND BUSINESS PLANS Data The proposition offers both residential and corporate subscribers data plans with different speeds and at different prices 01/09/2022 31/10/2022 31/08/2024
47 Radical Technology Network Limited Unlimited 20, 25, 30, 40, 50 and Unlimited VIP 1 & 2 Data The proposition offers subscribers unlimited data plans at different speeds and prices 05/09/2022 04/11/2022 04/09/2024
48 StarTimes STB Project Limited MAX VIP, SPORT VIP, NON-SPORTS VIP & MOVIES VIP Data StarTimes on App is Africas leading video streaming service where subscribers can watch thousands of TV series, blockbusters, local contents and football matches. 16/09/2022 15/11/2022 15/09/2024
49 Tizeti Network Limited Hotspot-5mbps-1, hotspot-daily,weekly & Monthly & Dedicated Plan Data The proposition offers subscribers data plans at different prices and validities 16/09/2022 15/11/2022 15/09/2024
50 SWIFT NETWORK LIMITED Swift Daily Plans Data The proposition offers subscribers data bundles at different prices and at different speed caps with 1 day validity period as shown on the table above. 16/09/2022 15/11/2022 15/09/2024
51 SWIFT NETWORK LIMITED Swift Bounty Plans Data The proposition offers subscribers data bundles at different prices and data volume with 90 days validity 16/09/2022 15/11/2022 15/09/2024
52 COBRANET LIMITED UGOFLIX Data The Plan provides internet broad band to residential houses in Lagos and Abuja with speed ranging from 6.0Mbps to 20Mbps at different prices. 27/09/2022 26/11/2022 26/09/2024
53 COBRANET LIMITED Fibre Business SME Plans Data The Plan provides internet broadband to organizations and medium sized businesses in Lagos with speed ranging from 3Mbps to 12Mbps at different prices. 27/09/2022 26/11/2022 26/09/2024
54 Spectranet Spectranet Daily Dose of Data/3D Plan Data 05/10/2022 04/12/2022 04/10/2024