Press Release: Hosts Forum On Cost Based Pricing For Retail Broadband And Data Services

The event which is slated for Digital Bridge Institute (DBI) Cappa, Oshodi, Lagos is part of the Commission’s engagement with industry players and stakeholders with a view to getting their inputs before arriving at any major regulation and guidelines for the sector.

The Commission has already appointed a consultant to carry out a study on cost based pricing and will unveil its preliminary findings to stakeholders at the forum.

Besides the consultant, there will be a keynote address after which the event becomes interactive, whereby stakeholders, industry players are expected to strategise with officials of the Commission on the best approach to cost based study to determine pricing for retail broadband and data services in Nigeria.

The forum is in line with the Commission’s 8-point agenda to promote Accessibility, Availability and Affordability for pervasive broadband penetration.



Tony Ojobo
Director, Public Affairs, NCC.