Stakeholder's Engagement on the Draft Information Memoradum for the Auction of Two Lots of 3.5GHz Spectrum for 5G Services

Further to the publication of the  Draft Information Memorandum (IM) on the remaining two (2) lots of 100MHz in the 3.5GHz spectrum band for 5G services, a stakeholder's engagement will take place as follows;

Venue: Mariott Hotel, Ikeja, Lagos
Date: November 15, 2022
Time: 09:00am Prompt
Online: Virtual Meeting (Microsoft Teams)

The event will provide opportunities for all stakeholders to make their comment and inputs on the published IM. The comments and inputs will be reveiwed by the Commission in consideration for the final version of the IM that will guide the auction process.

Participation will be physical and virtual.

Interested participants should contact; [email protected] and [email protected].

Please be punctual.

Online: Stakeholders who wish to join online may utilize 



Reuben Muoka
Director - Public Affairs