Unauthorised Use of Telecom Subscriber's Phone Numbers and Other Personal Information by Telemarketers

Accordingly, the Commission hereby states as follows:

  1. The Commission fully abides by the principles and rules guiding the protection of privacy as a right of all consumers and users of telecommunications service. Therefore, no service provider or telemarketer is authorized to invade, harvest, or use data in any form or guise without the express approval of the consumer, except otherwise provided by law.
  2. The protection of the data of telecom by the Commission is guaranteed in Section 35 (1) of the Consumer Code of Practice Regulations, 2007; Section 9 (1) of the Nigerian Communications (Registration of Communications Regulations, 2022; and 4.2(a) & (b) of the NCC's Code of Practice.
  3. Therefore, any telemarketer involved in harvesting telecom phone and other personal details through dishonest means and using such for commercial purposes without regulatory approval is hereby strongly warned to desist from this illegal act, as anyone found guilty shall be arrested and prosecuted in keeping with the law.
  4. Telecom consumers are reminded to activate the Do-Not-Disturb (DND) Short Code introduced by the NCC to manage their subscription to Value Added Services with eteoption to stop text messages and other telemarketing offers. This can by sending 'STOP to 2442 Short Code for FULL DND.
  5. Telecom consumers, who observe such illegal activities by telemarketers, are also encouraged to report such cases to the Commission by calling the NCC Toll-Free 622 for necessary actions


Professor Umar Garba Danbatta (FNSE, FRAES, FAEng, FNIEEE)
Executive Vice Chairman/ CEO
Nigerian Communications Commission