Saturday July 27, 2024

Business Education Examinations Council (BEEC) has congratulated the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) on the recent platinum rating the regulatory body received from the Bureau of Public Service Reforms (BPRS).

In a letter signed by its president, Mike Okereke, the council, however, attributed the success to the leadership style of the commission’s Executive Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Prof Umar Garba Danbatta.

000“This is indeed a well-deserved honour and a confirmation that your hard work and innovation in the management of NCC have paid off. We are confident that the Nigerian Communications Commission will continue to break new grounds under your able and dynamic leadership,” the letter pointed out.

BPSR recently said that very strong business organizational structure, policies and practices that facilitate effective and efficient service delivery were some of the high points it considered before naming the NCC tops in institutional work processes in the country.

Director General of BPSR, Dr. Joe Abah who presented the report and plaque to Prof. Danbatta, also listed accountabilities and responsibilities for set Standardized Operating Procedure (SOP) manuals of the Commission’s 19 departments as other areas critically considered by the bureau before arriving at conclusion.

NCC under Prof Danbatta’s leadership has, in the last two years, dominated international and local awards in the telecommunication sector it regulates.