Saturday July 27, 2024

Director Public Affairs at the Nigerian Communications Commission, NCC, Tony Ojobo, was yesterday honoured with a distinguished Fellowship Award by the African Festival of Art and Culture, AFAC.

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A delegation lead by the Director General of AFAC, Mr. Joseph Ibe, presented the award to Ojobo at the NCC Head Office in Abuja.

Ibe informed the audience at the brief ceremony that the award was conferred on Ojobo for his exemplary public service delivery and the professionalism he has brought to bear on Public Sector Communication as the Spokesperson of NCC.

Mr. Tony Ojobo thanked the delegation for the award which he said is not just an honour to him alone but most importantly to the Commission stating clearly that the honour and several others would not have been possible without the diligence and team spirit of the staff of his department as well as the support and  understanding of the  Management of the Commission.