NCC Hosts Third Edition of Telecom Consumer Town Hall on Radio

The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) will host the third edition of the Telecom Consumer Town Hall on Radio (TCTHR) tomorrow (15th October 2021) at 7.30 a.m. The programme will be aired on the Human Rights Radio, 101.1 FM, broadcasting from Abuja.

The focus of the discussion is, THE BENEFITS OF NIN-SIM INTEGRATION.

Please tune in to listen and participate in the discussion. To watch the live stream version, please connect to or

The TCTHR is the modified version of the Consumer Town Hall Meeting, a consumer outreach programme of the Consumer Affairs Bureau of NCC. Like its forerunner, the TCTHR is a train that will traverse Nigeria in keeping with Management's commitment to reach and engage every telecom consumer wherever they are.

Two editions of the TCTHR had taken place earlier in Kano and Lagos.