MTN (Approved Tariff Plans)

1 MTN Teen Value Proposition Bundle A product that offer teenagers access to games and education related services at a price ranging from N10-N300, 02/01/2020 02/03/2020 01/01/2022
2 MTN MTN Group Data Share (GDS) Data The proposition allows an organization to purchase bulk mobile data bundles in wholesale. The organization can allocate or share the data in bits to its staffs or members and its customers. 14/01/2020 14/03/2020 13/01/2022
3 MTN MTN Sponsored Data Web Pass Bundles Data The proposition allows an organization to gift and incentivize their customers with MTN data bundles during their media drives and promotional campaigns. 14/01/2020 14/03/2020 13/01/2022
4 MTN SME Data Bundles(Hynet Flex) Data MTN SME Data Bundles- Hynet Flex is a product that offers subscribers that use routers large data volumes (25GB to 1.5TB) at different price points and validity 16/01/2020 16/03/2020 15/01/2022
5 MTN MTN Data Bundles 3.0 Data This modification introduces data allowance strictly for YouTube streaming upon purchase of Monthly data bundles of N1, 200 to N5, 000. It also reduces the price of the daily 1GB bundle from N350 to N300. 21/02/2020 21/04/2020 20/02/2022
6 MTN MTN Family Pack Data It Allowa Subscriber(Sponcor) to buy and allocate data in a shared wallet. This wallet allows preregisted beneficairies to browse from the data 03/03/2020 02/05/2020 03/03/2022
7 MTN BizPlus Voice Voice The product is a prepaid service designed for small or medium enterprise, offering you lower costs on Voice Calls. It offers customers reduces call rate of N6.76k per minute after a daily access charge of N7.68. The access fee is charged once daily between 0:00 and 23:59 hours upon 1st successful call. This modification introduces optional VAS add-ons for an increased daily access charge of N10.00 30/03/2020 29/05/2020 30/03/2022
8 MTN MTN Binge on Data Bundles Data The product offers customers data volumes ranging from 400MB to 8GB at different prices and validity. It offers dedicated volumes from Streaming of Multimedia content. 10/04/2020 09/06/2020 10/04/2022
9 MTN MTN Xtraspecial Bundle Data The proposition offers MTN Subscribers Data available for XtraSpecial customers 10/04/2020 09/06/2020 10/04/2022
10 MTN MTN Sponsored Data Data The proposition is a toll free data service, which allows an organization provide access to its consumers/ prospects so they can access its business websites or application without data or zero cost. It is a service that enables companies to sponsor data usage for specific content on behalf of customers. 23/04/2020 22/06/2020 23/04/2022
11 MTN Value Added Service Streaming Bundle Data The proposition is a data bundle that allows a subscriber to stream audio, video and gaming content. A subscriber can purchase the data which is restricted to the streaming services, he/she has the option to use their standard data to access the services 23/04/2020 22/06/2020 23/04/2022
12 MTN MTN Data Gifting Solution Data Replaces the Sponsored Webpass. The proposition allows an organization to gift and incentivize their customers with MTN data bundles during their media drives and promotional campaigns 23/04/2020 22/06/2020 23/04/2022
13 MTN MTN Group Data Share (GDS) Data The proposition allows an organization to purchase bulk mobile data bundles in wholesale. The organization can allocate or share the data in bits to its staffs or members and its customers. 23/04/2020 22/06/2020 23/04/2022
14 MTN MTN Access Data Bundles 3.0 Data The product offers customers data volumes ranging from 25MB to 2000GB at different prices and validity. This modification introduces data bundle of 30GB at N8, 000 valid for 30 days. 10/05/2020 09/07/2020 10/05/2022
15 MTN Deployment of the MTN Customer Package- Palliative 'Provisioning of 300 free SMS per Month Zero-rating customers access to listed government websites Pre-ringtone of a 5-second voice message extracted from current campaigns of the ministry of health and NCDC. Partnership with Ayoba (a rich media communication platform) for dissemination of authenticated information and updates about COVID-19. 15/05/2020 14/07/2020 15/05/2022
16 MTN Humanitarian Educational Initiatives 2.0- Request for No Objection To Provide Complimentary Data Allowance For Online Learning Portals Endorsed By Government On The MTNetwork Palliative provision of complimentary data allowance of 500MB for students to access government APPROVEd online learning for a period of 3 months. 22/05/2020 21/07/2020 22/05/2022
17 MTN MTN Jolly Combo Bundle MTN Jolly Combo Plan is a bundled plan that offer customers a combination of Voice, Data and Callertunez at a unified price 03/06/2020 02/08/2020 03/06/2022
18 MTN MTN Bizconnect Tariff Bundle MTN Bizconnect is an offer targeted at the SME customers. It offers the subscriber a flat tariff of N7.20/ Minute to all networks. The subscriber will be charged a daily access fee of N15. An accumulation for 7 Days of the daily access fee activates add-ons as follows: BizConnect Weekly Data, Enterprise CallerFeel, Corporate Ring-back Tune (CRBTBusiness Tips Content 04/06/2020 03/08/2020 04/06/2022
19 MTN Deployment of the MTN Customer Package- Palliative Extention for a further 30 Days 16/06/2020 15/08/2020 16/06/2022
20 MTN Modification: MTN Access Data Bundles 3.0. Data The product offers customers data volumes ranging from 25MB to 2000GB at different prices and validity. This modification changes the data volume of the N50 and N100 plans and increases the validity period for the N200 plan. 16/06/2020 15/08/2020 16/06/2022
21 MTN MTN Data Gifting Solution. Data The proposition allows an organization to gift and incentivize their customers with MTN data bundles during their media drives and promotional campaigns. 01/07/2020 30/08/2020 01/07/2022
22 MTN MTN Sponsored Data Data The proposition allows an organization provide accesss to its customers so they can access it business websites or application without data or at zero-cost 01/07/2020 30/08/2020 01/07/2022
23 MTN Simfy Music Time Streaming Bundles Data The proposition comprise of mobile data bundles that an individual can purchase on a daily, weekly or monthly basis for streaming music 06/07/2020 04/09/2020 06/07/2022
24 MTN MTN Pulse Tariff Bundle The plan offer customers tariff for voice at N15.36/ Minute for the first minute call per day and N6.76/ Minute for subsequent minutes. It also offers data bundles for night browsing and social Media. 09/07/2020 07/09/2020 09/07/2022
25 MTN MTN Data Bundles 3.0 Data This Modification increases the data allowance for youtube streaming upon purchase of monthly data bundles of N1,200 to N5,000 for which users can do Youtube streaming of up to 4GB in a month 10/07/2020 08/09/2020 10/07/2022
26 MTN Deployment of the MTN Customer Package- Palliative Extention for a further 30 Days and discountinuation of Free SMS 29/07/2020 27/09/2020 29/07/2022
27 MTN MTN More Time Bundle The propostion is an interest free airtime and data advance plan that allows MTN customers who run out of airtime to borrow airtime from the network. the offer is avaiable to customer who have spent an average of N200 Monthly on the network for a period of not less than 6 months 04/08/2020 03/10/2020 04/08/2022
28 MTN SME Data Bundles(Hynet Flex) Data The proposed modification increases the price of the Router from N20, 000 to N25, 000 . It also introduces top- up and welcome back plans. The top-up plans can be purchased by Customers with active Data plans, when the data is exhausted but still within the validity period; Welcome back plans is open to customers that have not activated a plan on their routers for 90 days and above after the expiry of last data subscriptions. 07/08/2020 06/10/2020 07/08/2022
29 MTN MTN MiFi Device Bundles Data The product offers new customers with a MiFi Device plus data volumes of 30GB and existing customers with data ranging from 40GB to 111GB at different prices and validity. Customers can also do a top-up of data up to 3GB with same validity period as the main bundle 10/08/2020 09/10/2020 10/08/2022
30 MTN MTN Group Data Share (GDS) Data The proposition allows an organization to purchase bulk mobile data bundles in wholesale. The organization can allocate or share the data in bits to its staffs or members and its customers. 12/08/2020 11/10/2020 12/08/2022
31 MTN MTN Pulse Tariff Data The plan offer customers tariff for Night Data usage of between 250MB to 500MB with a maximum daily purchase of 2GB. 26/08/2020 25/10/2020 26/08/2022
32 MTN MTN Yello Star Music Bundle Data The Plan introduced a daily and weekly access fee to the existing plan without an access fee. 31/08/2020 30/10/2020 31/08/2022
33 MTN MTN Pulse Rewards Offer Data The promotion offers MTN subscribers on the pulse tariff plan a rewards scheme where the subscriber performs specific activities on the network to receive points that is accumulated and redeemed for network benefits. 11/09/2020 10/11/2020 11/09/2022
34 MTN MTN Data Promotion- Recharge and SIM Upgrade Data The promotion introduced data bonuses to drive increased data usage and adoption of 4G by customers who are in coverage areas but still using legacy SIM cards without 4G capability. 24/09/2020 23/11/2020 24/09/2022
35 MTN MTN Virtual Recharge Extra Service Bundle The service provides customers with an additional 10% airtime on the value of all recharges done via the airtime on-demand (*904#) and MyMTN App channels. 02/10/2020 01/12/2020 02/10/2022
36 MTN MTN Visitor SIM Bundle 13/10/2020 12/12/2020 13/10/2022
37 MTN MTN Xtraspecial Bundle Data XtraSpecial tariff plan offers subscribers a standard rate of 15.36k/sec (N9.23/min) to all local and selected International destinations as well as data bundles specifically for subscribers on the plan. MTN proposes a modification of the proposition through the inclusion of an additional data bundle (N2000-6GB plan). 20/10/2020 19/12/2020 20/10/2022
38 MTN MTN Beta Talk Tariff Plan Bundle This promotional offer is available to all MTN subscribers. it offers voice class at N18.90 per minute, 250% airtime bonus on every recharge and data bundles exclusively for cusotmers on the plan.MTN seeks to amend this promotional offer as its default plan 30/10/2020 29/12/2020 30/10/2022
39 MTN Facebook Auto Flex and Free Basics Data MTN Facebook Auto Flex and Free Basics is a proposition offered in partnership with Facebook. Enables subscribers with zero balance access a lite version of Facebook and provider free access to educative and informative websites. 16/10/2020 15/12/2020 16/10/2022
40 MTN MTN Traveller Plan Bundle The proposition offers foreign nationals visiting Nigeria an option to purchase a 7 Day or 14 Day plan bundled with Local voice minutes, International Voice/ SMS and Data. 29/05/2020 28/07/2020 29/05/2022
41 MTN MTN Engauge Application Bundles Content The proposition is targeted at SMEs and Corporate Organizations and will offer richer, multi-channel customer engagement services, enabling corporates to deploy survey questions to their customers through interactive SMS, USSD and enterprise Wi-Fi. 29/02/1900 30/12/1901
42 MTN MTN Yello Star Rewards Offer Data The promo seeks to delight subscribers who follow or are fans of the yellow star Music Reality Show, and will offer subscribers who take part and are successful in quizzes and fun games on the dedicated Yellow Star Music Platform with existing rewards. 29/02/1900 30/12/1901
43 MTN MTN Extra Data Bundle The product is a bundles service that splits the bundle fee ranging from N300 to N5,000 between voice, data, and the balance as access fee to data services. The Data services include Music, Video Streaming, Gaming, Caller tunes and caller feel. 09/11/2020 08/01/2021 09/11/2022
44 MTN Request For Approval: Modification Of Mtn Teen Value Proposition - Mpulse. Data The proposition offers 250MB for N50 with validity period of 7 days and 750MB for N150 with validity period of 14 days as shown in the table above. 13/11/2020 12/01/2021 13/11/2022
45 MTN MTN XTRA DATA Bundle The product is a bundles service that splits the bundle fee ranging from N300 to N5,000 between voice, data, and the balance as access fee to data services. The Data services include Music, Video Streaming, Gaming, Caller tunes and caller feel. 09/11/2020 08/01/2021 09/11/2022
46 MTN MTN Humanitarian Initiatives Data The proposition is in view of MTN's commitment to complement government palliatives aimed at cushioning the negavtive impact of Covid 19 on the society by giving subscribers complimentary 500MB data allowance. The complimentary data allowance can be used to access specified e-learning portals only. MTN are requesting to add 3 URLs to the e-learning portals. 30/11/2020 29/01/2021 30/11/2022
47 MTN MTN Jolly Combo Bundle MTN Jolly Combo Plan is a bundled plan that offers subscribers a combination of Voice, Data and Callertunez at N50 and N100 for 1 day and 2 days validities respectively 12/03/2020 11/05/2020 12/03/2022
48 MTN MTN Campus Zone Data The proposition is a location-specific plan aimed at stimulating data appetite by offering customers in selected University Campuses and Tertiary Institutions additional data value when they meet prescribed data usage thresholds within the selected University Campuses and Tertiary Institutions. 12/07/2020 10/09/2020 12/07/2022
49 MTN MTN SME Voice Bundle Voice 18/02/2021
50 MTN MTN SME Data Bundles (Hynet Flex) Data MTN SME Data Bundles (Hynet Flex) is a product that offers subscribers that use large data volumes at different prices for different validity periods 16/02/2021
51 MTN Startimes Video Streaming Bundle Data The service enables subscribers to watch videos and view channels on the Startimes application. The proposition offers data volume to subscribers to stream on the Startimes application with validity of 24 hours. 12/02/2021
52 MTN MTN Humanitarian Initiatives Data MTN Humanitarian Initiatives was packaged to complement government palliatives aimed at cushioning the negative effect of Covid-19 on the society. 03/02/2021
53 MTN MTN Teen Value Proposition - Mpulse Data 25/01/2021
54 MTN MTN Supper Data Bundle Data A subscriber can be eligible for this plan if he is a non-data user, if data usage and spend dropped by 25% and above or if the subscriber performs a revenue generating activity once or twice a week. 26/01/2021
55 MTN MTN Simfy Music Time Streaming Bundle Data 01/12/2020
56 MTN MTN CONTRACT DEVICE BUNDLE Bundle MTN Contract Device Bundle is a proposition that offers a minimum commitment plan for a smartphone with a predefined airtime and data bundle to post-paid customers who commit to a monthly spend between N5000 and N100,000 over a period of 12 months, based on the preferred device cost. 22/12/2020 20/02/2021 22/12/2022
57 MTN Mtn Sme Data Bundles (Hynet Flex) Data MTN SME Data Bundles (Hynet Flex) is a product that offers subscribers that use large data volumes at different prices for different validity periods as shown on the table above. The plans are open to all and existing prepaid and postpaid customers. 22/12/2020 20/02/2021 22/12/2022
58 MTN MTN DATA BUNDLES 4.0 Data The plan is a data only plan with four different price variants with a bonus 4GB for You tube streaming 06/01/2021 07/03/2021 06/01/2023
59 MTN Modification of SME Data Bundle (Hynet Flex) Data The modification changes the Validity of N165,000 unlimited data from 30 days to 180 days. 16/02/2021 17/04/2021 16/02/2023
60 MTN MTN SME Voice Bundles Voice MTN SME Voice Bundles is a product that offers subscribers of prepaid and postpaid with different prices and different validity periods 18/02/2021 19/04/2021 18/02/2023
61 MTN MTN Teen Proposition - Mpulse Data Teens plan 25/01/2021 26/03/2021 25/01/2023
62 MTN MTN Spper data Data The product is available to eligible subscribers on the MTNetwork. A subscriber can be eligible for this plan if he is a non-data user, if data usage and spend dropped by 25% and above or if the subscriber performs a Revenue Generating Event (RGE) once/twice a week. 26/01/2021 27/03/2021 26/01/2023
63 MTN MTN CONSUMER POSTPAID DATA OFFER Data The proposition is tagged MTN Consumer Postpaid Offer Plan, which allows a subscriber to purchase data valid for 30 days and 60 days. The consumer gets a 4GB bonus when the subscriber buys the N4000 category. 04/03/2021 03/05/2021 04/03/2023
64 MTN MTN DATA GIFTING Data The Plan allows a subscriber to transfer data to another subscriber within the same network. the subscriber can transfer data from 50MB to 500 MB. with a limit of 1GB for a day 10/03/2021 09/05/2021 10/03/2023
65 MTN MTN CONTRACT BUNDLE Bundle MTN Contract Device Bundle is a proposition that offers a minimum commitment plan for a smartphone with a predefined airtime and data bundle to post-paid customers who commit to a monthly spend between N5000 and N100,000 over a period of 12 months, based on the preferred device cost. 10/03/2021 09/05/2021 10/03/2023
66 MTN MTN JOLLY COMBO Bundle MTN Jolly Combo Plan is a bundled plan that offers subscribers a combination of Voice, Data and callertunez at N50 and N100 for 1 day and 2 days respectively. 04/03/2021 03/05/2021 04/03/2023
67 MTN MTN Digital Promotional Offer Content The promotion offers subscribers one-off 60% discount upon subscription to selected Callertunez and Callerfeel plans. 04/03/2021 03/05/2021 04/03/2023
68 MTN MTN SME DATA SHARE Data The proposition is a pre paid package that allows MTN subscribers purchase bulk data bundles which can be share for others to use. 26/02/2021 27/04/2021 26/02/2023
69 MTN MTN FAMILY PACK Data This proposition allows a subscriber (sponsor ) to buy and allocate data in a shared wallet and share the data with up to 4 pre-registered beneficiaries. 26/02/2021 27/04/2021 26/02/2023
70 MTN MTN HUMANITARIAN INITIATIVE (YELLO HOPE) Content The proposition included 4 free educational websites as part of MTN's support targeted at complementing government palliatives, towards cushoning the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. 26/02/2021 27/04/2021 26/02/2023
71 MTN EXTENSION OF MTN YAFUN YAFUN Promotion MTN AwuF4U 2.0 Promotion is an offer that rewards Customers with 275% airtime bonus on every recharge below N100 and 400% airtime bonus on every recharge above N100 when they recharge using a special code *888*PIN or via VTU. 11/03/2021 10/05/2021 11/03/2023
72 MTN MTN Promotional Offer Promotion MTN Promotional Code Data Offer rewards customers with promo codes or coupons which can be redeemed by eligible customers to enjoy a 30% bonus/discount. The promotion is in two major categories as shown in the table above. 16/03/2021 15/05/2021 16/03/2023
73 MTN MTN Combo Plus Bundle Bundle The proposition offers subscribers a combination of voice and data bundles at different prices and validity periods. 08/04/2021 07/06/2021 08/04/2023
74 MTN EXTENSION OF PROMO VALIDITY Promotion Encompasses both Data and Device offer
75 MTN Request for Extension - MTN Pulse Rewards Offer Promotion The promotion offers MTN subscribers on Pulse tariff plan pulse points upon purchase of data bundle, subscribing to Simfy Music Time Bundles, share data or airtime on myMTN App or migrate to MTN Pulse tariff for the first time. These points can be accumulated and be used to buy data bundles. 28/04/2021 27/06/2021 28/04/2023
76 MTN MTN CALLER TUNEZ Content The product is a caller ring back tone through which customers can subscribe to a personalised tune of choice which their callers would hear pending when customers pick up their calls. 26/05/2021 25/07/2021 26/05/2023
77 MTN Modification of Revamped Virtual Recharge Extra Services Voice The service provides customers with an additional 10% airtime on the value of all recharges done via the airtime on-demand (*904#) and MyMTN App channels. The additional airtime will sit in a dedicated account and can be used for national calls, SMS and PAYG internet. 27/04/2021 26/06/2021 27/04/2023
78 MTN MTN4ME PLATFORM MTN4ME is a platform which aims to provide a dedicated umbrella channel under which customers can find MTN segmented offers. A subscriber can view offers for which they qualify on MTNetwork 15/04/2021 14/06/2021 15/04/2023
79 MTN CONSOLIDATION OF MTN HUMANITARIAN INITIATIVES NOVEMBER MONTHLY USAGE REPORT AND REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF THE MTN CUSTOMER PACKAGE (YELLO HOPE) MTN Humanitarian Initiatives was packaged to complement government palliatives aimed at cushioning the negative effect of COVID-19 on the society. The package was also designed to provide complimentary data allowance of 500MB for students to access government APPROVEd online learning platforms on selected service URL for an initial period of 3 months following continued closure of schools nation-wide as result of scourge of the pandemic. 29/04/2021 28/06/2021 29/04/2023
80 MTN MTN Data Gifting Data The proposition allows a subscriber to lend or borrow data to/from another subscriber by dialing *131# and following the on-screen prompts. 04/05/2021 03/07/2021 04/05/2023
81 MTN MTN Bumpa Package Bundle The proposition offers voice and data plan for new customers aimed at providing them with increased value for money. 05/05/2021 04/07/2021 05/05/2023
82 MTN MTN Social Media and Streaming Bundles Data The proposition is a modification to social media bundles which offers data for different social media platform at different prices and validity periods. 05/05/2021 04/07/2021 05/05/2023
83 MTN MTNIN SUBMISSION & VERIFICATION REWARD Promotion Customers will receive pre-loaded one-off airtime that can only be used upon successful submission and verification of their NIN's 18/05/2021
85 MTN MTN Startimes Video Streaming Bundles Data THIS IS A DEDICATED DATA TAILORED FOR USE FOR STARTIMES STREAMING 19/05/2021 18/07/2021 19/05/2023
86 MTN REQUEST FOR EXTENSION Data The proposition offers new and existing subscribers who purchase 4G smartphone and Mi-Fi devices instant bonuses and 100% bonus on all data bundles purchased for 6 months. 27/05/2021 26/07/2021 27/05/2023
87 MTN MTN DEALZ ZONE Data The promotion is a data proposition designed to drive increased data usage and adoption of 4G by customers who are in coverage areas but still using legacy SIM cards. 26/04/2021 25/06/2021 26/04/2023
88 MTN MTN DATA PROMOTION RECHARGE AND SIM UPGRADE Data The promotion is a data proposition designed to drive increased data usage and adoption of 4G by customers who are in coverage areas but still using legacy SIM cards without 4G capability. 13/04/2021 12/06/2021 13/04/2023
89 MTN MTN PROMOTIONAL DATA OFFER Data MTN Promotional Data Offer is a product designed to reward subscribers with 30% bonus/discount or a 100MB complimentary data when a subscriber purchases a specified number of data bundles or subscriber attends or listens to MTN sponsored radio or purchases data from the myMTNapp. 04/12/2020 02/02/2021 04/12/2022
90 MTN MTN JOLLY COMBO Bundle MTN Jolly Combo Plan is a bundled plan that offers subscribers a combination of Voice, Data and Callertunez at N50 and N100 for a 1 day and 2 days validity period. 28/05/2021 27/07/2021 28/05/2023
91 MTN Notification of Change in Billing model to Yafun Yafun and Beta Talk Bundle 03/06/2021 02/08/2021 03/06/2023
92 MTN SME BULK SMS PROPOSITION SMS The proposition is a bulk SMS service that offers standard and discounted bulk SMS prices specifically for MTN enterprise customers. 01/06/2021 31/07/2021 01/06/2023
93 MTN MTN XTRA DATA Data The product is a bundles service that splits the bundle fee ranging from N300 to N5,000 between voice, data, and the balance as access fee to data services. The Data services include Music, Video Streaming, Gaming and caller feel 29/02/1900 30/12/1901
94 MTN MTN Caller Tunes Content this is a callertunes services that offers subscribers access to single or bundled services 04/06/2021 03/08/2021 04/06/2023
95 MTN MTN Extra Data Data The product is a bundles service that splits the bundle fee ranging from N300 to N5,000 between voice, data, and the balance as access fee to data services. The Data services include Music, Video Streaming, Gaming and caller feel. 15/06/2021 14/08/2021 15/06/2023
96 MTN Mifi Device Bundle Data The product offers new customers with a MiFi Device plus data volumes of 30GB and existing customers with data ranging from 40GB to 111GB at different prices and validity. Customers can also do a top-up of data up to 3GB with same validity period as the main bundle 15/06/2021 14/08/2021 15/06/2023
97 MTN MTN Teen Value Proposition - Mpulse Data The proposition offers 250MB for N50 with validity period of 7 days and 750MB for N150 with validity period of 14 days as shown in the table above. 15/06/2021 14/08/2021 15/06/2023
98 MTN MTN 4G Connect Offer (Promotion) Data MTN seeks to offer 4G subscribers one-off bomus data valid for 7 days upon successful completion of SIM upgrade to 4G, This service will be applicable to all subcribers with 3G SIMs on the network and this cuts across all subscriber segment. 28/06/2021 27/08/2021 28/06/2023
99 MTN Request for Extension - MTN Digital Promotional Offer (Promotion) Content The promotion offers subscribers one-off 60% discount upon subscription to selected Callertunez and Callerfeel plans. 02/07/2021 31/08/2021 02/07/2023
100 MTN MTN Promotional Data Offer (Promotion) Data MTN Promotional Code Data Offer rewards customers with promo codes or coupons which can be redeemed by eligible customers to enjoy a 30% bonus/discount. The promotion is in two major categories as shown in the table above. 08/07/2021 06/09/2021 08/07/2023
101 MTN MTN Humanitarian Initiative-MTN Customer Package (Yello Hope) Content The MTN Humanitarian Initiatives offers an array of service propositions targeted at complementing government palliatives aimed at cushioning the negative effect of COVID-19 on the society. 27/07/2021 25/09/2021 27/07/2023
102 MTN MTNext Gen App Offers Data The proposition is a new data only plan that can be purchased by MTN subscribers exclusively on the myMTN App on a specific day of the week. Subscribers on the plan are then given additional data allowance that can be used within 1-2 days. 27/07/2021 25/09/2021 27/07/2023
103 MTN MTN Broadband Internet Plans Data The proposition is an existing Broadband Internet Plan with 2 APPROVEd price variant for new and existing subscribers on MTNs network. 27/07/2021 25/09/2021 27/07/2023
104 MTN MTN PULSE 3.0 Bundle The plan was previously APPROVEd with seven (7) components to it and MTN is adding 2 more components to it. 05/08/2021 04/10/2021 05/08/2023
105 MTN Request for Revalidation of Approval - MTN Family Pack Data This proposition allows a subscriber (sponsor ) to buy and allocate data in a shared wallet and share the data with up to 4 pre-registered beneficiaries. 09/08/2021 08/10/2021 09/08/2023
106 MTN Renewal of MTN Entry Level Data Bundle Data The tariff plan is a newal of the existing one for another period of two years. 13/08/2021 12/10/2021 13/08/2023
107 MTN MTN Device Offerz Promotion Data The proposition offers subscribers who purchase MTN branded phones or smartphones sold by Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in partnership with MTN different data bonuses at different validity periods. 17/08/2021 16/10/2021 17/08/2023
108 MTN My MTN Offers Promotion Data The proposition is a data promotion aimed at encouraging and rewarding subscribers who successfully refer their eligible friends and family to buy data. When a subscriber successfully refers an eligible subscriber (i.e. a subscriber that has not used up to 50MB of data for 30 days or more, or a subscriber who has not purchased data for 30 days and above). 17/08/2021 16/10/2021 17/08/2023
109 MTN Request for Modification of MTN Data Bundles 4.0 Data The proposition offers subscribers different data plans at different prices and validity periods. 13/09/2021 12/11/2021 13/09/2023
110 MTN Request for Extension of MTN Yafun Yafun Bundle The promotion was approved by Management to be run from September 2021 to December 2021 14/09/2021 13/11/2021 14/09/2023
111 MTN MTN Dormancy Mitigitation Offers (Former Beta Talk Deals Promotion) Bundle The proposition offers subscribers who are dormant on MTN Beta Talk Plan voice, data and airtime incentives to be active on the network 20/09/2021 19/11/2021
112 MTN MTN Xtra Value Bundle Proposition Bundle The proposition seeks to modify the XtraData Midi and XtraTalk Midi component of the Xtra values bundle by way of increase in the voice component and attendant increase in the data allowance of the plan. 21/09/2021 20/11/2021 21/09/2023
113 MTN MTN Time-Based Bundles Data The proposition offers subscribers different time-based data bundles at different prices which are valid for 24 hours. 23/09/2021 22/11/2021 23/09/2023
114 MTN MTN Data Gifting Servive Data The proposition allows subscriber A to transfer data up to 1GB at no-cost to subscriber B, but any data transfer that exceeds 1GB and every subsequent data transfer done after exhausting your 1GB on that same day will be charged a service charge of N100 10/10/2021 09/12/2021 10/10/2023
115 MTN Upfront data bundles plan Data A new proposition by MTN that offers data at different prices and validities to its customers. 22/11/2021 21/01/2022 22/11/2023
116 MTN MODIFICATION OF CHANGE IN BILLING MODEL TO YAFUN YAFUN AND BETA TALK TARIFF PLANS Voice The modification is a change in billing of tariff from charging the first minute of the day from the main account and subsequent minutes to be charged from bonus account to a subscriber being charged the first and fifth minutes of the subscriber to be charged from the main account while other minutes will be charged from their bonus account. 22/11/2021 21/01/2022 22/11/2023
117 MTN CONSOLIDATION OF MTN HUMANITARIAN INITIATIVES REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF THE MTN CUSTOMER PACKAGE (YELLO HOPE) Data MTN Humanitarian Initiatives was packaged to complement government palliatives aimed at cushioning the negative effect of COVID-19 on the society. The package was also designed to provide complimentary data allowance of 500MB for students to access government APPROVEd online learning platforms on selected service URL for an initial period of 3 months following continued closure of schools nation-wide as result of scourge of the pandemic. 23/11/2021 22/01/2022 23/11/2023
119 MTN MTN Talk On Voice The plan offers subscribers voice call at N.7.37 per minute and a data bonus on the 1st recharge of the month of 10MB 18/10/2021
120 MTN 4G CONNECT OFFER Data MTN offers new 4G users one of bonus data valid for 7 days upon successful completion of SIM upgrade to 4G. 29/02/1900 30/12/1901
121 MTN DIGITAL PROMOTIONAL OFFER Promotion The proposition is an existing promotion offering by MTN. The proposed modification seeks to reduce the monthly subscription fees by 60% N20.00 for CallerFeel and CallerTunez services. The modification also seeks to introduce a cashtoken reward for subscribers who opts in for auto renewal for the CallerFeel and CallerTunez services. 21/10/2021 20/12/2021 21/10/2023
122 MTN MTNext Gen App Offers Data The proposition is a new data only plan that can be purchased by MTN subscribers exclusively on the myMTN App on a specific day of the week. Subscribers on the plan are then given additional data allowance that can be used within 1-2 days. 02/11/2021 01/01/2022 02/11/2023
123 MTN MTN PULSE TURN UP MY HUSTLE Promotion The proposition is a promotional offering targeted at supporting existing businesses and new business startups with financial grants between N5,000 to N1,000,000.00 02/11/2021
124 MTN MTN AWUF 4U 3.0 Promotion Promotion The MTN AwuF4U 3.0 Promotion is an offer that rewards Customers with 350% airtime bonus on every recharge below N100 and 500% airtime bonus on every recharge above N100 when they recharge using a special code *888*PIN. 04/11/2021
125 MTN My MTN Offers Promotion Promotion The proposition is a data promotion aimed at encouraging and rewarding subscribers who successfully refer their eligible friends and family to buy data. When a subscriber successfully refers an eligible subscriber (i.e. a subscriber that has not used up to 50MB of data for 30 days or more, or a subscriber who has not purchased data for 30 days and above). 04/11/2021
126 MTN MTN Family Pack Bundle The proposition allows a subscriber (sponsor) to buy and allocate data in a shared wallet and share the data with up to 5 pre-registered beneficiaries. 04/11/2021 03/01/2022 04/11/2023
127 MTN MTN Recharge and SIM Upgrade Offer Promotion The proposition offers 10MB bonus data to subscribers on either the first recharge done in a month or first call made in a month (whichever happens first). The proposition also offers 100% data bonus for subscribers that upgrade to a 4G SIM for the first three months and 25% data bonus from the 4th 6th month. 05/11/2021
128 MTN MTN PULSE REWARDS OFFER Promotion offers MTN subscribers on Pulse tariff plan pulse points upon purchase of data bundle, subscribing to Simfy Music Time bundles, share data or airtime on myMTN App or migrate to MTN Pulse tariff for the first time.
129 MTN Notification of End of Life of MTN Simfy Music Time Streaming Bundles Content The proposition offers music streaming service to subscribers 09/11/2021
130 MTN MTN Time Based Bundle Data The time based bundle offers customers data between 7am to 7pm for N100 with 500MB volume and N200 with 1GB. This plan is restricted to the time band that is allocated to it. 11/11/2021 10/01/2022 11/11/2023
131 MTN MTN Dealz Zone Promotion Data The proposition is an ongoing promotional offering by MTN that encompasses both Data and Device offer where customers who buy data and/or activate a new device on the network get reward bonus data and social media bundle 11/11/2021 10/01/2022 11/11/2023
132 MTN MTN SmartBiz Mobile Tariff Bundle The proposition offers SMEs subscriber voice, data and SMS bundles at a unified price. 11/11/2021 10/01/2022 11/11/2023
133 MTN MTN Season of Surprises (Y'ello Santa) Promotion Promotion The promotion seeks to reward subscribers this festive season for their continued loyalty and patronage, and will offer subscribers the opportunity to refer loved ones to receive a one-off gift online, through the myMTN App or USSD 25/11/2021
134 MTN MTN NIN Submission and Verification Reward campaign Promotion The proposition offers subscribers on the MTN Network a one-off airtime upon successful submission and verification of their NINs 25/11/2021
135 MTN MTN Mpulse Delight Promotion The promotion is designed for teenage customers (primary and secondary students) within the MTN network. The subscribers stand a chance to win scholarship grants, mobile devices, m-pulse branded items, cash prizes, cash gifts for their selected teachers and many more when they win a competition such as the spelling bee and mpulse planet competition. In addition, it is opened to only eligible subscribers on the mpulse tariff plan. 02/12/2021 31/01/2022 02/12/2023
136 MTN MTN Teen Value Proposition- mpulse Data The proposition offers teenagers 250MB for N25 with a validity period of 1 day, 350MB for N50 with validity period of 7 days and 1.2GB for N150 with validity period of 30 days as shown in the table above. 02/12/2021 31/01/2022 02/12/2023
137 MTN MTN Fibre plans Data The propsition offers subscribers fibre optic internet service to home/offices at different speeds and prices 08/12/2021 06/02/2022 08/12/2023
138 MTN MTN Postpaid Xtra Value Bundle PLan Bundle The bundle is a postpaid variant of the MTN XtraValue proposition which is designed to provide greater value to its postpaid subscribers. The bundle comprises of stand-alone monthly bundles which offer postpaid subscribers a variety of local voice/SMS, data, IDD and roaming allowances at a unified price as well as a credit limit allocation. 08/12/2021 06/02/2022 08/12/2023
139 MTN MTN Yafun - Yafun SIM promotion Bundle The Yafun - Yafun SIM Promotion offers subscribers who purchase a new SIM card a 700% bonus on every recharge and a 100% bonus on every data activation for 120 days on bundles below N5,000 13/12/2021 11/02/2022 13/12/2023
140 MTN MTN Visitors SIM Bundle The proposition is a bundled plan that is targeted at travelers that come into the country for a short stay (from two weeks and does not exceed 24 months). The foreigner can activate his/her SIMs for a period of two weeks and above, the plan has voice and data elements. 13/12/2021 13/12/2023
141 MTN MTN Sponsored Caller Tunez and Caller Feel Service Content The proposition offers MTNs corporate customers Caller Ring Back Tune (CRBT) and Caller Feel service. The service consist of a CRBT component that incorporates audio advertisements by various enterprises which subscribers can opt into as their CRBT and a Caller Feel component that incorporates short advertisement messages by various enterprises which, when subscribed to, will appear as a pop-up notification on callers phone screen when they call the said subscribers. 16/11/2021
142 MTN MTN MPULSE DELIGHT PROMO Nil 22/12/2021 20/02/2022
143 MTN MTN Humanitarian Initiatives Voice MTN Humanitarian Initiatives for subscribers is a package by MTN designed to compensate subscribers in the Northern Region where the Federal Government issued directives for telecom services to be shut down. 16/12/2021 14/02/2022 16/12/2023
144 MTN MTN GARABASA PLAN Bundle The proposition offers 700% add-on benefits for every recharge from N1-N99 and 1000% add-on benefits for every recharge of N100 and above. 20/12/2021 18/02/2022 20/12/2023
145 MTN MTN Pulse Rewards Offer Bundle The promotion offers MTN subscribers on pulse tariff plan points upon purchase of data bundle, subscription of Simfy Music Time bundles, share data or airtime on myMTN App or migrate to MTN Pulse tariff for the first time. These points can be accumulated and be used to buy data bundles 22/12/2021 20/02/2022 22/12/2023
146 MTN MODIFICATION OF XTRASPECIAL BUNDLE PROPOSITION Bundle XtraSpecial tariff plan offers subscribers a standard rate of 15.36k/sec (N9.23/min) to all local and selected International destinations as well as data bundles specifically for subscribers on the plan. MTN proposes a modification of the burn rate for both the local and international part of the plan. 29/12/2021 27/02/2022 29/12/2023
147 MTN Modification of MTN Beta Talk Plan Bundle The proposition offers subscribers 500% voice and data bonus on recharge of N1 and above. The bundle plan also offers subscribers 35 MB daily data at N50 and 250 MB weekly data at N200. 18/02/2022 19/04/2022 18/02/2024
148 MTN Modifcation of MTN Pulse 3.0 Bundle The proposition offers subscribers various bundles for voice and data as shown on the table above. 21/02/2022 22/04/2022 21/02/2024
149 MTN MTN Recharge and SIM Upgrade Offer Data The proposition offers 10MB bonus data to subscribers on either the first recharge done in a month or first call made in a month (whichever happens first). The proposition also offers 100% data bonus for subscribers that upgrade to a 4G SIM for the first three months and 25% data bonus from the 4th 6th month. 23/02/2022 24/04/2022 23/02/2024
150 MTN Home Broadband Plans (HynetHome Data The proposition offers large data volumes to subscribers upon purchase of the new router bundle plans at different prices for different validity period 21/04/2022 20/06/2022 20/04/2024
151 MTN MTN Home Broadband plans for business (HynetFlex Data The proposition offers large data volumes and bulk SMS to subscribers upon purchase of the new router bundle plans at different prices for different validity period 28/02/2022 29/04/2022 28/02/2024
152 MTN MTN SME Data Share Data The MTN SME Data Share bundle offers subscribers large volume of data that can be shared at different prices with a validity of 90 days. 28/02/2022 29/04/2022 28/02/2024
153 MTN MTN Yafun Yafun SIM Promotion Bundle The Yafun Yafun SIM Promotion offers subscribers who purchase a new SIM card a 700% bonus on every recharge and a 100% bonus on every data activation for 120 days on bundles below N5,000. 09/03/2022 08/05/2022 08/03/2024
154 MTN MTN NIN Submission and verification Reward Campaign Bundle The proposition offers subscribers on the MTN network a one-off airtime upon successful submission and verification of their NINs. 29/02/1900 30/12/1901
155 MTN MTN Device Offerz Promotion Data The proposition offers subscribers who purchase MTN branded phones or smartphones sold by Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in partnership with MTN different data bonuses at different validity periods. 08/03/2022 07/05/2022 07/03/2024
156 MTN MTN Credit Call Service Voice The proposition offers prepaid subscribers advance call minutes of up to a maximum of 3 minutes when subscribers are out of airtime and then pay back on their next recharge. 09/03/2022 08/05/2022 08/03/2024
157 MTN Data Gifting Service Data The proposition is a gifting solution for MTN's corporate segment, which allows subscribers such as Media Agencies, App Developers to delight and incentivize their subscribers with MTN data bundles. 16/03/2022 15/05/2022 15/03/2024
158 MTN XtraTime and XtraByte 2.0 Bundle The proposition offers MTN subscribers Airtime, Data and product advance services at different prices for different validity period 18/03/2022 17/05/2022 17/03/2024
159 MTN MTN DEVICE PARTNERSHIP PLAN Data The proposition offers a device and data bundle to subscribers who buy 4G Smartphones of N30,000 and above offered by any MTN device financing partners. 07/04/2022 06/06/2022 06/04/2024
160 MTN Revalidation of MTN Upfront Data Bundles Data The proposition is a data plan designed to offer a locked data add-on to eligible subscribers account but in order to use the provisioned locked data add-on, an eligible subscriber will be required to purchase the corresponding main bundle. This is aimed at stimulating eligible subscribers data appetite and deepening data adoption. 05/04/2022 04/06/2022 04/04/2024
161 MTN MTN ENTERPRISE WI-FI SERVICE Data Bundled Dta Service priced at N30,000 (250GB) N36,000 (300GB) N45,000 for (500GB) and unlimited %)Mbps at N25,000. 20/04/2022 19/06/2022 19/04/2024
162 MTN MTN Ifediche Bundle Bundle The proposition is an integrated bundle plan which is designed to provide greater value for money to subscribers. The plan comprises of 7 days and 30 days bundle plans which offer voice/SMS and data 21/04/2022 20/06/2022 20/04/2024
163 MTN 4G Connect Offer Promotion Data The proposition offers a one-off free 4GB data bonus to subscribers who upgrade their legacy SIMs (4G SIM) 21/04/2022 20/06/2022 20/04/2024
164 MTN MTN Promotional Data Offer Data MTN Promotional Data offer rewards subscribers with promo codes or coupons which can be redeemed by eligible subscribers to enjoy a 30% discount/bonus upon subscription 21/04/2022 20/06/2022 20/04/2024
165 MTN MTN MSME Learning Data Bundle Bundle The bundle offers new and existing subscribers this bundle which will be dedicated to select SME learning platforms. The data will be valid for 7days 05/05/2022 04/07/2022 04/05/2024
166 MTN MTN 5G DATA PLANS Data The proposition offers data plans to subscribers on 5G network at different prices and validity periods. 05/05/2022
167 MTN MTN BROADBAND PACKAGE Data The proposition is a bundled data only service offering that gives subscribers options of a MiFi or Router bundled device and bonus offerings on MTNs network 09/05/2022 09/07/2022 09/05/2024
168 MTN MTN Pulse 3.0 Data 11/05/2022 10/07/2022 10/05/2024
169 MTN MTN Xtra Special Bundle Bundle 12/05/2022 11/07/2022 11/05/2024
170 MTN My MTN Offers Promotion Data The promotion is a data promotion aimed at encouraging and rewarding subscriberswho successfully refer their eligible friends and family to download and install the myMTN App. 01/06/2022 31/07/2022 31/05/2024
171 MTN MTN Welcome Bundles (Routers and Mi-Fis) Data The proposition offers device and data plans to subscribers on 4G and 5G network at different prices. 06/06/2022 05/08/2022 05/06/2024
172 MTN MTN Data Gifting Services Data 09/06/2022 08/08/2022 08/06/2024
173 MTN MTN Yafun Yafun Bundle The proposition offers subscribers 8x the value (700% bonus) on all recharges done via physical, logical and VTU recharge channels. 17/06/2022 16/08/2022 16/06/2024
174 MTN MTN Teen Value Proposition: Mpulse Data The Mpulse Data Bundles allows subscribers to access only educational content at different prices and validity period 17/06/2022 16/08/2022 16/06/2024
175 MTN MTN Data Bundles 4.0 Data The proposition offers subscribers different data plans at different prices and validity periods. 23/06/2022 22/08/2022 22/06/2024
176 MTN MTN Bizconnect Bundle MTN Bizconnect is an offer targeted at the SME customers. It offers subscribers a flat tariff of N7.20/ Minute to all networks. The subscriber will be charged a daily access fee of N15. An accumulation for 7 Days of the daily access fee activates add-ons as follows: 23/06/2022 22/08/2022 22/06/2024
177 MTN MTN Flexn Streaming Bundles Data The proposition offers subscribers data allowance for the sole purpose of streaming media services such as audio, video and gaming content at different prices and different validity periods. 05/07/2022 03/09/2022 04/07/2024
178 MTN MTN Sponsored Data Bundles Data The MTN Sponsored Data service offering is an existing plan approved by the Commission. In this submission, MTN seeks to renew the plan for a further period of two years 05/07/2022 03/09/2022 04/07/2024
179 MTN MTN XtraValue Bundle Bundle The proposition offers voice and data bundles to subscribers at different prices and validity periods. 06/07/2022 04/09/2022 05/07/2024
180 MTN MTN Device Offerz Promotion Data Device The proposition offers subscribers who purchase MTN branded phones or smartphones sold by Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in partnership with MTN different data bonuses at different validity periods. 06/07/2022 04/09/2022 05/07/2024
181 MTN MTN Recharge and SIM upgrade offer Data The proposition offers 10MB bonus data to subscribers on either the first recharge done in a month or first call made in a month. 14/07/2022 12/09/2022 13/07/2024
182 MTN MTN Dealz Zone Bundle The proposition offers device and recharge deal to subscribers on all MTN tariff plans. 18/07/2022 16/09/2022 17/07/2024
183 MTN Yafun yafun SIM bundle package Bundle The MTN Yafun Yafun SIM Bundle Package is an existing plan approved by the Commission, MTN seeks to renew the plan for a further period of two (2) years 21/07/2022 19/09/2022 20/07/2024
184 MTN Yafun - Yafun SIM Promotion Bundle The Yafun Yafun SIM Promotion offers subscribers who purchase a new SIM card a 700% bonus on all recharges of N100 and above and a 100% data bonus on all purchases of data bundles worth N5,000 and below for 90 days. 21/07/2022 19/09/2022 20/07/2024
185 MTN Pulse Rewards Offer Data The promotion offers MTN subscribers on Pulse tariff plan points upon purchase of specified data bundles, subscribing to Simfy Music Time bundles, sharing data or airtime on myMTN App or migrating to MTN Pulse tariff for the first time. The points accumulated can be used to buy data bundles. 21/07/2022 19/09/2022 20/07/2024
186 MTN MTN MORE TIME Bundle The proposition is an interest free airtime and data advance plan that allows MTN subscribers who run out of airtime to borrow airtime from the network. The offer is available to MTN subscribers who must have spent an average of N200 monthly on the network for a period not less than 6 months. 02/08/2022 01/10/2022 01/08/2024
187 MTN MTN Dormancy Mitigation Offer Bundle The proposition consists of airtime and data which will be made available to specified segments of existing Beta Talk customers who have been on the network for more than 30 days 08/08/2022 07/10/2022 07/08/2024
188 MTN MTN Awuf4U Plus Bundle Package Bundle The proposition offer 700% bonus on both voice and data to subscribers. 15/08/2022 14/10/2022 14/08/2024
189 MTN 4G CONNECT OFFER Data MTN seeks to offer new 4G subscibers a one-off bonus data valid for 7 days upon successful completion of SIM upgrade to 4G 15/08/2022 14/10/2022 14/08/2024
190 MTN MTN Group Data Share Data The proposition offers bulk mobile data bundles targeted at corporate subscribers that can purchase wholesale and thereafter allocate among its customers and staff. 18/08/2022 17/10/2022 17/08/2024
191 MTN MTN Card Recharge Service Bundle The proposed service is designed to provide subscribers who recharge airtime (N500 and above) using their credit and/ or debit cards across selected electronic recharge channels..... 19/08/2022 18/10/2022 18/08/2024
192 MTN MTN PROMOTIONAL DATA OFFER Promotion The promotion will be used as a loyalty scheme to consistent data users. Subscribers will be profiled based on their average number of purchases per month in the last 3 months across daily, weekly and monthly data bundles. 18/08/2022 17/10/2022 17/08/2024
193 MTN MTN 5G HAPPY HOUR PROMOTIOM Data The proposition is a new promotional offering by MTN that seeks to stimulate the data appetite of its Subscribers in order to motivate the adoption of 5G services in Nigeria. 01/09/2022 31/10/2022 31/08/2024
194 MTN MTN Time Based Bundle Data The Plan offers subscribers data bundles between 7am and 7pm for 12 hours 01/09/2022 31/10/2022 31/08/2024
195 MTN 5G data plans Bundle The proposition offers data plans to subscribers on 5G network at different prices and validity periods. 21/09/2022 20/11/2022 20/09/2024
196 MTN MTN Xtra value bundle Bundle The proposition offers voice and data bundles to subscribers at different prices and validity periods as shown on the table above. 21/09/2022 20/11/2022 20/09/2024
197 MTN MTN DATA GIFTING SERVICE Data The MTN Data Gifting is an existing service offering that enables MTN subscribers to transfer data from their account balance to other subscribers within the MTN Network. 14/09/2022 13/11/2022 13/09/2024
198 MTN EXTENSION OF MTN RECHARGE AND SIM UPGRADE OFFER PROMOTION Bundle The proposition is an existing promotional offering that gives 10MB bonus data to subscribers on either the first recharge done in a month or first call made in a month (whichever happens first). The proposition also offers 100% data bonus to subscribers that upgrade to a 4G SIM for the first three months and 25% data bonus from the 4th 6th month. 23/09/2022 22/11/2022 22/09/2024
199 MTN MTN Device Offerz Promotion Data Device The proposition offers subscribers who purchase MTN branded phones or smartphones sold by Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in partnership with MTN different data bonuses at different validity periods. 26/09/2022 04/09/2022 05/07/2024
200 MTN MTN Awuf4U 3.0 Promotion Bundle The proposition offer 500% bonus for recharge above N100 and 350% for recharges below N100 for both voice and data to subscribers. 26/09/2022 04/09/2022 05/07/2024
201 MTN MTN App Download Offer Data The proposition seeks to reward every MTN subscriber who downloads the My MTN App for the first time with a free 1GB data allowance which can be used on any platform within 7 days. 27/09/2022 26/11/2022 26/09/2024
202 MTN MTN INDEPENDENCE DAY OFFER 27/09/2022 26/11/2022 26/09/2024
203 MTN MTN Data Bundles 4.0 Data The proposition offers subscribers different data plans at different prices and validity periods. 05/10/2022 04/12/2022 04/10/2024
204 MTN MTN Social media and Streaming Bundles Data The MTN Social Media and Streaming Bundles is an existing tariff plan that provides bespoke data allowances for MTN subscribers to utilize on selected social media platforms. in this submission , MTN seeks to modify the plan by an upward price review of some of thr prices of the plan 11/10/2022 07/12/2022 10/10/2024
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