NCC Partakes in the 11th Annual e-Nigeria Conference and Exhibition

The e-Nigeria Conference, Exhibition and Award, an Annual International Technology show hosted by National Information Technology Development Agency ( NITDA), has as one of its objective to discover new socio-economic development opportunities provided by increasing advancement in technologies and innovation.

The e-Nigeria 2018 theme “ Promoting a Digital Economy in an Era of Disruptive Technologies Through Effective Regulations” is a response to the complex mix of digital opportunities, challenges and burden, driven by the increasing influence of emerging technologies on commerce and society. The major goal of e-Nigeria 2018 is to accelerate the development and access to digital products and services for Nigerian citizens, ultimately creating Africa’s largest single digital market by 2020.

Prof Umar Garba Danbatta, Executive Vice Chairman (EVC), Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), who was a guest panelist at the event, presented a paper titled “The Role of Building Infrastructure for a Digital Economy”.
Prof Danbatta stated that “ A robust, safe and resilient infrastructure is the key enabler of a digital economy, this network must have capacity to be continually upgraded, expanded and made robust to enhance amongst other things the delivery of ICT services”
Danbatta emphasized that “ The Nigerian Communications Commission ( NCC) as empowered by the Nigerian Communications Act (NCA 2003), is responsible some of the following:
- creating an enabling environment for competition among operators in the industry and to ensure the provision of qualitative and efficient telecommunications services throughout the country;
- Preparation and implementation of programmes and plans that promote and ensure the development of the communication industry and the provision of communications services in Nigeria; and
- Generally for the economic and technical regulation of the communication industry.
- Ensuring the provision of accessible digital and critical infrastructure and services
- Ensuring the identification and protection of Internet users through regulatory instruments like the registration of telephone subscribers regulation 2011.
- Promoting investment in digital infrastructure and competition in the key provision of high speed network and services, ensuring that key complementary enablers are in place.”

He further added that the “ Nigerian National Broadband Plan ( NBP) mandates the NCC to drive the deployment of the enabling infrastructure. This infrastructure includes Fixed, Wireless and Satellite facilities for Broadband deployment.
He concluded by noting that the “ NCC will continue to ensure the provision good Quality of service, security assurance of networks, information and data protection. NCC will also continue to encourage effective research and development efforts by all communications industry practitioners for the common good of the nation.
The event is a 3 day session, taking place at the International Conference Centre from 5th-7th November 2018.