Extension of Deadline for Submission of Proposals for NCC Virtual IoT Code Camp & Hackathon

The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), as part of its Strategic Vision Plan (SVP) T2021 - 2025, identified the need to encourage development of new technologies and indigenous content through cutting edge research to stimulate sustainable economic growth and development in Nigeria.

Pursuant to the above, the Commission had invited Tech Hubs, Innovation Driven Enterprises (IDEs) in Nigeria to enter eligible Startups and their solutions in the second edition of the Commission's IoT Code Camp and Hackathon, with focus on two categories;

  • Development of IoT (Internet of Things) solutions for kidnapping and banditry in Nigeria.
  • Assistive robotics solutions for effective e-waste management.

The application for submissions to the IoT Code Camp and Hackathon opened on 5th of September 2021 and closed on 26th of September 2021 as advertised in national dailies and on the Commission's website.

Following several requests for extension by the prospective Tech Hubs and Startups arising from technical glitches on the URL link for submission of proposals, which has affected the number of successful entries to the competition, the management of the Commission has considered the requests and approved the extension of the deadline for submission of applications to 11th October 2021.

Interested applicants are therefore advised to take advantage of this extension to participate in the competition by submitting their proposals to https://ncc.gov.ng/iothackathon2021 on or before the stipulated deadline.

Prospective applicants are advised to visit the Commission's website for further information.



Dr. Ikechukwu Adinde
Director - Public Affairs