Service Delivery Timelines

In line with Executive Order 001 (EO-001, 2017) on Ease of Doing Business, find below the NCC's Service Delivery Timelines from the various Departments of the Commission.

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#Service/TaskConditions / RequirementsTimelinesFees/Remarks
1.Type Approvals   
 A.Application For Communications Equipment Type Approval Certification As At June 2017
  1. One hard copy of duly signed and completed Type Approval form. Note that the form can be downloaded from the Commission's website.
  2. One (1) sample of the equipment (Notebooks, tablets and mobile phones only). Sample of other devices can be requested from applicant if and when necessary and all samples retained by the Commission.
  3. Pictures of equipment and labels. 
  4. Two soft copies (on CD/Flash drive) containing the following documents;
    1. Equipment test report
    2. Technical Construction files
    3. Technical specifications and operational manuals of the equipment
    4. Equipment declaration of conformity (DoC) Document
    5. For Radio equipment operating on the 5GHz Frequency band
    6. A declaration of conformity to the Regulatory Guidelines for Deployment of Broadband Services on 5.2-5.9 GHz id required. See the NCC website for the Regulatory Guideline for the Deployment of Broadband Services on 5.2-5.9 GHz.
    7. Payment and submission of N1,000 application fee
    8. Type approval application form duly signed
    9. Letter of Authority (LoA) from third party (the Principal), where applicable
    10. Cover letter on company letter head duly  signed and addressed to:
      The Executive Vice Chairman/CEO,
      Nigerian Communications Commission,
      Plot 423, Aguiyi Ironsi Street,
      Maitama, Abuja.
30 Days
  1. Note that the invoice is sent to the applicant after the application has been approved. 
  2. If a device falls into multiple equipment categories, the equipment class corresponding to higher billing class applies.
  3. Type approval fee for equipment variants is 20% of the fee that applies to the family/series of that equipment.
  4. Administrative fees are 5% of Type Approval fee
  5. VAT is 7.5% of Type Approval fee
  6. Application fee is ₦1,000.00 or $6.52. Fees are subject to change without prior notice.
  7. Depending on equipment specification, the type approval fee maybe as high as ₦3,000,000.00.
  8. Notwithstanding item (g) above, administrative procedure (if applicable) i.e. Foreign verification exercise, for example, may lead to a different cumulative type approval fee.
 B.Mobile Phones and Tablets Type Approval

In addition to the Conditions/Requirements in 1A  above. Additional test reports are required here.

Test reports should be in the following areas, but not limited to the list below:

  1. EN 301 511 – Harmonized standard for mobile stations in the GSM 900 and GSM 1800 bands.
  2. EN 300 328 – Harmonized standard for data transmission equipment operating in the 2.4GHz ISM band.
  3. EN 301 489-01 – Electromagnetic Compatibility standard for radio equipment and services.
  4. EN 301 489-07 – Specific (EMC) conditions for mobile radio, GSM 900/1800 Bands
  5. EN 301 489-17 – Specific (EMC) conditions for Broadband Data Transmission Systems
  6. EN 60950-1 Safety of information technology equipment
  7. EN 50360 – Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of mobile phones with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (300MHz to 3GHz)
  8. EN 62311 – Assessment of electronic and electrical equipment related to human exposure restrictions for electromagnetic fields (0Hz to 300MHz) 1999/519/EC – Council recommendation on the limitation of exposure of the general public to electromagnetic fields (0Hz to 300GHz)etc.
30 Days 
 C.Microwave Radio Fixed/Multipoint Type Approval

In addition to the Conditions/Requirements in 1A  above. Additional test reports are required here.

Test reports should be but not limited in the following areas:

  1. EN 302 326-1,2,3
  2. EN 301 489-4 V1.4.1:2009
  3. EN 55022:2006+A1:2007
  4. EN 61000-3-2:2006+A1:2009+A2:2009
  5. EN 61000-3-3:2008
  6. EN 60950-1:2006 + A11:2009 + A1:2010
30 Days 
2.Procedure For BTS Site Inspection And Approval
  1. Applications to the Commission shall be accompanied by the following documents:
    1. A Site Plan showing the location of the proposed structure in relation to adjoining structures.
    2. Evidence of ownership of the property on which the structure is to be installed or a written consent of the owner.
    3. The geographical coordinates of the proposed location of the structure and that of the nearest airport, heliport or helipad or in the alternative, a permit issued by the NAMA for the erection of the structure in the proposed location.
    4. A Design of the structure showing its effective height, foundation, guys (where used), members, ladders, rest and work platforms, earthing, lightning protection and aviation lighting.
    5. Detailed information on the software package used in the design to enable easy verification of the fidelity of the design of the structure.
  2. The applicant shall notify the Commission on the completion of each site after which the Commission shall carry out an inspection of the completed site.
  3. The applicant shall be required to issue the Commission with a Certificate of Declaration of Conformity of the BTS that is in compliance with the Guidelines and carry out remedial action for the sites that are not in compliance and resubmit after remedial action have been effected and completed.
90 DaysNIL
3.Telecommunication Mast/Tower Certification/Licences
  1. Any company that applies for a mast or tower certification/licences shall satisfy the Commission that it has:
    1. Enough capital equipment to enable it deliver safe and quality fabrication.
    2. In its employment, qualified and licensed fabricators.
    3. A good Workmen's Compensation Insurance Policy from a reputable insurance company.
    4. A good third party Accident Insurance Policy.
    5. A viable Health, Safety and Environment policy.
  2. The capital equipment referred to in a(i) above shall include:
    1. Packer;
    2. Excavators; 
    3. Bull Dozer;
    4. Forklift; 
    5. Long Boom Arm Crane
    6. Concrete Vibrator and Poker
  3. All checking visits and maintenance interventions shall be done by employees with special qualification in telecom tower manufacture or maintenance.
  4. The minimum educational qualification for employees in mast and tower fabrication, erection and maintenance shall be as follows:
    1. A Certificate obtained on completion of a four year training programme in welding and machining from an accredited Technical College.
    2. A City and Guilds Final Certificate. Installers whose employees meet the above requirements will be eligible for the grant of a certification/licence by the Commission.
  5. The applicant shall be required to submit declaration of Conformity Certificate of the sites after site inspection have been conducted by the Commission.
45 DaysNIL
4. National Numbering Plan (NNP)

National Numbering Resource Allocation Requirements/ Conditions:

  1. Eligibility by operating licence conditions of the applicant, i.e. it must be clearly stated in the licence conditions of applicant that such licensee is eligible for NNP allocation.

    Duly completed National Numbering Plan Form STDS/02 downloadable from the Commission's website, submitted in duplicate form, alongside the requirements stipulated on the Form, which includes a copy of receipt of payment for the Application Form.
  2. Evidence of Type Approval of equipment to be deployed (new applicant) or already deployed.
  3. 5-year forecast plan for the utilization of numbers.
  4. Utilization plan of previously allocated number range.
  5. Up to date with all the regulatory obligations with the Commission, which also includes payment of all outstanding fees, etc.
  6. Not under the Commission's sanctions.
75 Days

65 Days

New Application Fees Schedules:

  1. Access Code fee for geographic numbers (i.e. 10,000 lines) = ₦100,000:00
  2. Mobile Access Code fee (i.e. 10,000,000 lines) = ₦50,000,000:00
  3. Fee per new number (either fixed of mobile) = ₦50.00
  4. Admin Charge = 5% of the sum values of (i); (ii) and (iii).

Annual Renewal Fees schedule:

  1. Geographic numbers Access Code fee (i.e. 10,000 lines) = ₦20,000.00
  2. Mobile Access Code fee (i.e. 10,000,000 lines) = ₦10,000,000.00
  3. Fee per number (either fixed of mobile) = ₦20.00
  4. Admin Charge = 5% of the sum values of (i); (ii) and (iii).
5.Application for Short Codes
  1. Photocopy of the applicant's Value Added Service (VAS) licence/Offer Letter & Receipt of Payment issued by the Commission or CBN Licence for Mobile Payment Operators MPO's.
  2. Comprehensive List of Telecommunication Equipment associated with the service (Names, Model and Manufacturer) together with an evidence of Type Approval from the Commission.
  3. Network Architecture (showing how you intend to Connect with the Network Operators).
  4. Utilization plan of previously allocated short code range if any (Any service provider applying for short code range expansion must supply this information).
  5. Licensees are to submit to the Commission duly completed short code application Form STDS/003 along with relevant documents as specified in the form to support their application.
  6. The short code application Form STDS/003 is available for download from the Commission's website under the Technical Standards section of the Website
    i.e. Technology RegulationTechnical Standards Application Forms
  7. Provide detailed explanation of the services intended to provide.
  8. Payment of eleven thousand Naira (₦11,000.00) only for application form and processing fee via Remita payment platform. Present the Remita obtain NCC receipt at the nearest office to obtain an official receipt. Attached the copy of the NCC receipt of payment to your application.
  9. Any other Additional Documents (MoU etc.) to support your application.
  10. Currently there is no charge on short code.
20 Days (old applicants)

15 Days (new applicants)
Eleven thousand Naira (₦11,000.00) only for application form and processing fee.

#Service/TaskConditions / RequirementsTimelinesFees/Remarks
1.Interference Resolution
  1. The applicant must be a frequency licensee of the Commission.
  2. Request should be made in writing to the Executive Vice Chairman and attention Director, Spectrum Administration.
  3. The applicant must not have any unmet obligation to the Commission.
  4. The applicant shall submit with the application, Spectrum Analyzer Trace of the interference.
  5. The applicant shall submit information of suspected interference, if known.
15 Days (but in exceptional cases 30 days from the date of receipt of complaint).NIL
2.Issuance Of Frequency Licence 30 Days from the date of receipt of properly completed application form and specified fee.Details on Commercial Frequency and Microwave Frequency Spectrum Fees can be obtained on the Commission's website at the following link; Frequency Fees & Pricing
3.Fees For Wireless Local Loop (WLL) Frequencies:  The price of Spectrum (excluding microwave frequencies) is calculated on an annual per state basis as stated in the First Schedule and Second Schedule (Part A) of the Frequency Spectrum (Fees & Pricing, etc.) Regulations, 2004.
4.Fees For Microwave Frequencies  Microwave frequencies are not priced on State basis. Unit price is uniform throughout the Federation and subject to review, from time to time. The fee for Microwave frequencies is calculated as provided under the Second Schedule (Part C) of the Frequency Spectrum (Fees & Pricing, e.t.c) Regulation, 2004.

#Service/TaskConditions / RequirementsTimelinesFees/Remarks
1.Procurement Process; Specific Procurement Notice   
 A.Solicitation of Advertisement

All bidders in addition to requirements contained in any solicitation documents shall:

  1. Possess the necessary:
    • Professional and technical qualifications to carry out particular procurements;
    • Financial capability;
    • Equipment and other relevant infrastructure; and
    • Shall have adequate personnel to perform the obligations of the procurement contracts.
  2. Possess the legal capacity to enter into the procurement contract;
  3. Not in receivership, the subject of any insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings or the subject of any form of winding up petition or proceedings;
  4. Have fulfilled all its obligations to pay taxes, pensions and social security contributions;
  5. Not have any director who has been convicted in any country for any criminal offence relating to fraud or financial impropriety or criminal misrepresentation or falsification of facts relating to any matter; and Accompany every bid with an affidavit disclosing whether or not any officer of the relevant committees of the Procurement entity or Bureau is a former or present director, shareholder or has any pecuniary interest in the bidder and confirm that all information presented in its bid are true and correct in all particulars.
16 - 24 DaysMinimum of Twenty Thousand Naira only (₦20,000.00) depending on the Complexity and Value of Project.
 B.General/Other Public Notices Minimum 7 days
 C.Bids Opening; Opening of Submitted bids. Immediately after the close of Submissions
 D.Bid Evaluation/Report Preparation; Preparation of Bid Evaluation and writing of Report. 14-24 days
 E.Presentation of Report; MTB Consideration and Approval 14 days
 F.Award and Signing of the Contract; Award 14 days
2.Procurement Records Submission: Transmission of Procurement records for the financial year to the Bureau of Public Procurement 90 days after the end of the financial year. 
3.Response to Complaint on the Outcome of any Procurement Proceedings. 15 working days. 
4.Response to Bureau Queries/Requests. Minimum of 10 working days or may be demanded by the Bureau. 

1.Tariff approval10 - 45 Working DaysNIL
2.Modification of an already approved tariff10 Working Days
  • Mobile Network Operators- ₦350,000.00
  • Internet Service Providers- ₦100,000.00
  • VAS Operators- ₦100,000.00
3.Renewal of Existing Tariff without Modification10 Working DaysNIL
4.Revalidation of Tariff Approvals10 Working Days
  • Mobile Network Operators- ₦250,000.00
  • Internet Service Providers- ₦100,000.00
  • VAS Operators- ₦100,000.00
5.Certificate of Reasonableness(International Termination Rate Specific)10 Working DaysNIL
6.Competition Related  Complaint30 Working DaysNIL
7.Response to Enquiry/Request on Policy and Industry Related Issues from Local and International Interest72 HoursNIL

#Service/TaskConditions / RequirementsTimelinesFees/Remarks
1.Request For SIM Registration (KYC) And CDR Data By Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs).
  1. Receipt of letter requesting for KYC and CDR data from LEAs.
  2. Collate and submit data received from MNOs.
3 Days after the receipt of all relevant data from MNOs.NIL

#Service/TaskConditions / RequirementsTimelinesFees/Remarks
1.Application for Individual Licences
  1. Requirements for the application for an Individual License, can be obtained on the Commission's website directly via the link below; 
    Individual License
  2. Requirements of the Individual Licence Application:
    • Download a pdf Individual Licence Application Form on the Same Page.
    • Make payment of One Thousand Naira (N1,000.00) only to the Nigerian Communications Commission.
    • Fill the form and produce two (2) copies of the form.
    • Attach copies of the following relevant documents:
      • Certificate of Incorporation.
      • Tax Clearance Certificate.
      • Certified True Copy (CTC) of Articles & Memorandum of Association.
      • Certified True Copy (CTC) of Form C07 (List of Company's Directors).
      • Feasibility Report of proposed service applied for.
      •  Three (3) Passport Photographs of Authorized Representative.
      • Passport Photographs of Directors of the Company.
      • Certified True Copy (CTC) of Company's Registered Address. 
    • Applications should be submitted in triplicate with all necessary documents attached, all spiral bound.
    • Enquiries should be made from the Commission for the appropriate amount before payment (although all licence fees for the different categories are on the Commission's website).
    • On submission of the form, a non-refundable administrative charge, which is 5% of the relevant licence fee would be paid.
    • Licence fee is payable on approval of application as specified in the Offer Letter. 
  3. Apply for an Individual Licence Online: All the licensing requirements listed in this document are also available on the online application portal.
  4. Individual Licence Category, Fees and Validity Period:  As specified below are the applicable licence undertakings, fees and validity. This information can also be found on the website at the URL below;
  5. Specific Requirements
    • Value Added Services (VAS) Content applicants are required to submit evidence of Agreement or a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) executed between Company and Mobile Network Operator(s) (MNOs) or  as a precondition for processing of VAS Content (Using Short Codes) Licence application or submit evidence of a copy of Licence duly issued to it by Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) for Mobile Money Services or National Lottery Commission for lottery services as a precondition for processing of Short Code numbers. 
    • All Automated Vehicle Tracking Service (AVTS) applicants must obtain a security clearance from the Department of State Security Service (DSS). The Personal History Statement Form (PHS) for the company and its Directors will be provided by the Commission for completion by applicants.
28-56 Days depending on the service and comprehensiveness of required information.

However the Nigerian Communications Commission Act, 2003 mandates the Commission to respond to all applicants within 90 Days, though most applications are processed within a shorter timeframe.
Individual Licence Fees can be obtained on the Commission's website via the URL below :
2.Application for Class Licence
  1. Requirements for Class Licence on the Website can be accessed directly via the following URL;  
    Class License
  2. Requirements of the Class Licence Application:
    • Download a pdf Class Licence Application Form on the Same Page.
    • Make payment of One Thousand Naira (N1,000.00) only to the Nigerian Communications Commission.
    • Fill the form and produce one (1) copy of the form.
    • Attach copies of the following relevant documents:
      • Certificate of Incorporation/ Business Name Registration
      • Tax Clearance Certificate.
      • Certified True Copy (CTC) of Articles & Memorandum of Association.
      • Certified True Copy (CTC) of Form CAC7 (Particulars of Company's Directors).
      • Two (2) Passport Photographs of Authorized Representative.
      • Certificate of qualified Technical Staff.
      • Brief on the proposed service.
      • Passport Photographs of Directors of the Company/Sole Proprietorship.
    • Applications should be submitted in duplicates with all necessary documents attached, all spiral bound.
    • Licence fee of Ten Thousand Naira (N10,000.00) is payable on submission of application.
  3. Applying for a Class Licence Online:  All the licensing requirements listed in this document are also available on the online application portal.
  4. Class Licence Category, Fees and Validity Period:  The various Class Licence Category Licence types, validity and licence fee can be found on the website at; 
  5. Details of Where to Pay Licence Fees
    • On the Commission's Website; 

      How to make payments

    • At any branch of any Bank nationwide.
    • With debit/credit card (MasterCard, Verve, Visa).
    • Using your Internet Banking Site.
    • By Digital Wallet/Mobile Money.
    • Using your Remita profile (For Registered Remita Users).
    • The Remita Payment Platform can be accessed via:
      • The NCC Website ( 
        • Follow the Remita payment option logo to access the NCC payment page.
        • Select the Service Type that you are paying for.
        • For some services, the system displays the applicable fees, otherwise enter the amount payable.
        • Submit to generate a Remita Retrieval Reference (RRR) – A unique payment reference for your transaction.  This should be presented at any payment channel.
        • Select your preferred payment channel to make payment.
      • The Remita Website ( 
        • Click "Pay a Federal Government Agency" link.
        • Select the Service Type that you are paying for.
        • Based on enquiries/confirmation from the Commission, the payment platform displays the applicable fees, otherwise enter the amount payable.
        • Submit to generate a Remita Retrieval Reference (RRR) – A unique payment reference for your transaction.  This should be presented at any payment channel.
        • Select your preferred payment channel to make payment.
Once the application is completed, an offer letter is issued within 48 hours.Class Licence Fees can be obtained on the Commission's website via the links below:
3.Renewal of Licence

Clearance from the Commission on the licensee's compliance with its obligations to the Commission must first have been obtained/ascertained before the renewal process can commence. The obligations are as follows;

  • Financial (Annual Operating Levy (AOL).  Spectrum and Numbering Fees, etc.
  • Type Approval of Equipment, where necessary.
  • Spectrum and/or Frequency Clearance matters, where necessary.
  • Approval of changes in Ownership Structure.
  • Clearance on matters of outstanding enforcement issues.
  • Approved Individual Consumer Code of Practice (ICCP).
  • Clearance on periodic submission of network statistical data.
  • Upon satisfactory review of submitted licence renewal application and fulfilment of necessary obligations, licensee would be requested to pay the applicable renewal fee(s).
  • Licence document would be prepared upon confirmation of payment of renewal fees.
  • Licence fee becomes payable within 30 days upon acceptance of the Offer by the Licensee.
90 DaysSame as Licence Fee

#Service/TaskConditions / RequirementsTimelinesFees/Remarks
1.Issuance Of Regulatory Good Standing To Licensee
  1. Letter to the Commission requesting for regulatory good standing.
  2. Ensure that all obligations to the Commission have been met before application.
14 DaysNIL
2.Change In Shareholding Structure Of Licensee
  1. Letter to the Commission for approval on change in shareholding.
  2. Ensure that all obligations to the Commission have been met before application.
14 Days₦50,000.00
3.Transfer Of Licence
  1. Letter to the Commission for approval to transfer licence.
  2. Ensure that all obligations to the Commission have been met before application.
14 Days₦100,000.00
4.Use Of Trade Name By Licensee
  1. Letter to the Commission for approval to use trade name.
  2. Ensure that all obligations to the Commission have been met before application can be granted.
14 DaysNIL
5.Issuance Of Certified True Copy (CTC) To Licensee

Application must be in writing and addressed to the Executive Vice Chairman, for the attention of the Legal and Regulatory Services Department). A copy of the Remita Retrieval Reference advice should be attached to the application as evidence of payment of the application fee via the Commission's website.

  1. The letter/application should be submitted at either the Commission's Headquarters or any of the Zonal Offices listed on its website (
  2. Where no query is raised, the CTC and payment receipt will be dispatched.
  3. Where a query is raised, a letter will be dispatched to the applicant within 48hrs of confirmation of payment detailing the query.
  4. Upon receipt of a satisfactory response from the applicant, the Commission will dispatch the CTC to the provided that payment has been confirmed.
  5. Where the Commission is of the opinion that the CTC should not be issued, a letter will be dispatched to the applicant within 48hrs of receipt of the applicant's response, and the processing fee paid will be refunded within 14 (Fourteen) working days of the date of dispatch of the letter communicating the refusal to issue the CTC.
48 Hours

14 Days
6.Issuance Of Certificate To Proceed To Court For Enforcement Of The Provisions On Competition Practices. Receipt of application. 7 Days NIL
7.Conduct Public Inquiry

The Commission may initiate a Public Inquiry either

  1. suo-moto, or
  2. By a written request by a person showing evidence that the issue is of significant interest to the public or Licensees

35 Days (To obtain Management's Approval and issue statutory 21 days' Notice)

NB: The report of the inquiry is published within 45 days of the Inquiry

8.Register Interconnection Agreements Receipt of duly executed Interconnect Agreement by Licensee. 7 Days of the submission of the Agreement to the Commission NIL
9.Provide Legal Opinion Receipt of request for legal opinion on any issue 5 Days after the receipt of all relevant information/documents 
10.Give Statement Of Reasons For Decision Receipt of letter requesting for Statement of Reasons 14 Days after the receipt of written request by an aggrieved person 
11.Review Of The Commission's Decision Receipt of letter requesting for review of the Commission's decision within 30 days of receiving the Statement of Reasons Not later than 60 days from the date of receipt of the aggrieved person's written submissions in line with Section 87 of the   Nigerian Communications Act, 2003. 
12.Respond To Request For Freedom Of Information Based On The Freedom Of Information (FOI) Act, 2011 Receipt of letter requesting for information under the FOI Act, 2011. 7 Days of receipt of request and an additional 7 Days in cases where more time is needed to collate the requested information.  
13.Resolution Of Complaints From Law Firms
  1. Receipt of letter of consumer complaint from law firm.
  2. Ensure the relevant operator dispute resolution process has been exhausted before complaint to the Commission.
60 Days (failure to resolve the complaint within 60 Days will have the matter forwarded to the Commission's Compliance Monitoring & Enforcement Department). 
14.Dispute Resolution Sixty (60) days from the date of commencement of proceedings in line with the Dispute Resolution Guidelines, 2004. 
15.Complaint Adjudication  Sixty (60) days 
16. Stakeholder Arbitration  Twenty One (21) days 
17.Pre-Action Notice In Court Cases Relating To The Commission  30 days 
18.Certificate For Leave To Proceed To Court  No timeline provided by the NCA, 2003 

#Service/TaskConditions / RequirementsTimelinesFees/Remarks
1.Payment Of Annual Operating Levy (AOL)Submission of Audited Accounts together with breakdown of revenue and cost of sales to the Commission not later than six (6) months after year end.7 DaysConclusion is dependent on the submission of complete and accurate information.
2.Issuance Of Receipt Of Payment For ServicesOnline payment via Remita Payment Platform24 hoursAutomated receipt issuance upon confirmation of payment.

#Service/TaskConditions / RequirementsTimelinesFees/Remarks
1.Submission of promotional advertisementLicensee must submit a detailed report on the goods/services, attach reliable data if claims depend on testing, and comply with NCC standards.At least 30 working days before publicationFees as specified in Schedule 1 (₦750,000 - ₦1,500,000 depending on category)
2.Application for promotion approvalComplete and submit the stipulated application form, including a detailed report of the promotion, target consumers, and payment of applicable fees.30 days for Commission responseApplication fee ranges from ₦500,000 to ₦1,500,000 based on license type.
3.Notification of promotion launchNotify the Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission within 3 days of promotion launch.3 working days post-launchNo specific fees mentioned in this section.
4.Promotion traffic capacity confirmationLicensee must ensure network capacity can accommodate the promotion traffic and that tariffs do not exceed NCC-approved ratesPrior promotion commencementNo specific fees mentioned in this section.
5.Geographic and consumer segmentationPromotion must indicate target consumers and geographical availability while ensuring a balance without concentrating on one region.Along with the applicationNo specific fees mentioned, mandatory requirement.
6.Variation of promotion termsAny variation in the promotional terms must be communicated clearly and not misrepresent the promotion’s opportunity or supply limits.Must be communicated with promotional materialNo specific fees, but subject to sanctions if rewards are varied.
7.Appeal on denied promotion applicationLicensees may submit an appeal to the NCC in writing, with clear reasons for the appeal, within 7 days of receiving the rejection notice.Within 7 days of receiving the decisionNo fees specified, but decisions by the Appeal Panel are binding.
8.Sanctions for breach of guidelinesBreach of these guidelines may lead to suspension from future promotional activities and other sanctions pursuant to the Nigerian Communications (Enforcement Process, etc.) Regulations.Depends on the severity of the breachSanctions could include suspension or other penalties as per enforcement process.

#Service/TaskConditions / RequirementsTimelinesFees/Remarks
1.Resolution of complaints related to the installation of masts and towersReceipt of Letter of Complaint with necessary details and information attached.21 DaysNIL