From the Space Station Application Form, page 2 under “Satellite Antenna Parameters” section: Does the Uplink EIRP question refer to the EIRP value of one carrier, or the whole transponder?
The EIRP value is the EIRP of the whole transponder
From the Space Station Application Form, page 2, under “Satellite Antenna Parameters” section: Does the PFD at Earth Surface question refer to Downlink PFD of one carrier, or the whole transponder?
The downlink PFD value of is the PFD of the whole transponder.
From the Space Station Application Form, is PFD at Earth’s surface the PFD value over Nigeria?
Yes, it is PFD at Earth surface over Nigeria.
From the Space Station Application Form, is it required to provide a textual description of the Satellite footprint (e.g. Nigeria, Western Africa, Global) or will annexed graphical coverage’s be sufficient?
A textual description of the footprint (e.g. Nigeria, Western Africa, Global) to be provided and graphical coverage’s to be annexed.
What is the timeframe to obtain a space segment authorization?
NCC will do its best to process and issue a space segment authorization within the shortest possible timeframe.
For Space Station Applications, is the section “Associated Earth Station” to be filled? If yes, which earth station information is to be provided, noting earth stations are to be declared by the earth station operator with the Earth Station Application Form?
The section “Associated Earth Station” has to be filled. Please provide information about the Gateway Earth Station of the satellite providing services covering Nigeria.
For Mobile Satellite Service providers that will not be providing any service to local distributers or end users, but rather through providers who will be purchasing airtime from the Iridium in the United States, they need to obtain the GMPCS license or rather a local service provider that will be selling their services in Nigeria?
The Guidelines only require that the Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) provider should acquire Authorization (Landing Rights) for their Space Crafts (Satellites) with footprints covering Nigeria and intending to provide services to licensed telecom operators in Nigeria.
As for the local service provider that will be selling MSS services to the last-mile customers in Nigeria, they will be required to obtain the "MSS Network Frequency Licence" to enable the provider sell MSS in Nigeria.
For non-commercial enterprise users who operate with a “Non-Commercial closed user group licence” and who use either VSAT or MSS for their own network (either for their enterprise, telematics, warranty obligation etc.) – would their transmission be covered by the GMPCS license or the operating licence that they hold?
The Non-commercial closed user group operating Licence does not give operators the authorization to deploy their network using the licensed spectrum. They would be required to obtain Spectrum licence i.e. either VSAT Network Frequency licence or MSS Network Frequency licence as the case may be.
An operator wants to deploy a Ka Band VSAT network/WiFi in Nigeria. The WiFi would be both for own use, they operate an international money transfer service, but also to sell some access to consumers using vouchers. One of the issues is licensing; what sort of Licenses would they require?
- They would require a minimum of an ISP operational Licence from the NCC.
- They would also require a VSAT Network Frequency licence to deploy their network.
- The WiFi can only be deployed according to NCC’s Guidelines on the use of 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands.
An operator is intending to provide Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine to Machine (M2M) satellite connectivity using a non-geostationary satellite system, operating in the VHF band in an MSS allocation; what sort of Licenses would they require?
They would require a minimum of an ISP operational Licence from the NCC.
Given that the spectrum resource falls under the MSS allocation, the operator would need to obtain MSS Network Frequency Licence.
What is the difference between the ESIM Network Frequency Licence (Land) and MSS Network Frequency Licence?
The ESIM (Land) must be permanently mounted on a platform e.g. moving (vehicle, trains) etc. while the MSS Station is for a wide variety of mobile users.
For Space Segment operators, is it possible to keep the orbital position of the satellite confidential on the List of Authorized Space Stations on NCC’s website until Operator confirm before it can be published?
The orbital position cannot be kept confidential on NCC’s website as long as the Landing Permit has been granted by the NCC. In the event that the Satellite has not reached its intended orbit, NCC advises that operator holds on to the application until the Satellite is ready.
Will the Commission be able to issue Landing permits to Space Segment operators for Satellites that have not yet been launched?
Yes, but only for constellations of satellites whose filling and coordination’s have been concluded.
Does the list of “Authorized Space Station” on NCC’s website contain “on-going” applications for Landing Permit?
No, the list contains only those Landing Permits that have been issued by the Commission.
What are the required licenses to provide satellite broadband services? (Service License, Spectrum License, Equipment Type Approval, etc.)
The requirements to provide satellite broadband services are:
- A minimum of an ISP operational Licence from the NCC for only operators locally registered in Nigeria.
- Landing permit for Space Segment providers to beam their signal over Nigerian territory. Space segment providers cannot provide direct broadband services to last mile users but can provide services to local telecom operators licensed to provide services to last mile users.
- Locally registered operators with an operational Licence would require Spectrum Licence to deploy their network. This could be VSAT, MSS, HAPS or ESIM Network Frequency Licenses.
Could a foreign service provider apply for the Network licenses directly? Or shall only local entities apply and hold the license?
- A foreign service provider would have to be registered locally to do business in Nigeria to qualify for an operational licence with the Commission.
- For Landing Permits, foreign Space Segment providers can apply given that they will not be providing services directly to last-mile customers.
What are the general and specific conditions of Network Frequency Licenses?
The general conditions can be found in the Guidelines on Commercial Satellite Communications.
From page 9, Section 14 (f) of the Guidelines, What Carrier to Interference C/I ratio is asked here?
Carrier to Interference ratio of the receiver on ground.
Are there any cost/fees per VSAT terminal?
It is a one-off cost for the VSAT network (regardless of the number of terminal’s to be deployed). Information can be found in the Guidelines on Commercial Satellite Communications.
What is the detailed process and requirements to apply for Gateway License?
It is a short and straightforward process and the Information can be found in the Guidelines on Commercial Satellite Communications.
What is the minimum operational licence category required to deploy commercial satellite services?
The minimum operational licence required is the Internet Service Provider (ISP) licence to deploy commercial satellite services to last mile customers in Nigeria.