How can I apply for renewal of my Licence?

  • Sign up on the Commission’s eservice portal via the link:,
  • click on Licensing Application Management System (LAMS),
  • view your Licence and
  • click on renew to apply for renewal of Licence

(Please note that to successfully submit an application for Licence renewal, the licensee is required to provide/upload the evidence of compliance with relevant Licence obligations. Compliance with Licence obligations is required for Licence renewal.) 

The obligations are;

  1. Financials
    • Annual Operating Levy (AOL) – Upload Audited Financial Statement of Account and Upload the evidence of payment of AOL
    • Spectrum Fees, if applicable– Upload the evidence of payment
    • Numbering Fees, if applicable– Upload the evidence of payment, etc.
  2. Type Approval of Equipment – Upload the list of equipment in use on the network / for service provision or provide evidence of equipment Type Approval.
  3. Upload a current CAC Company Status Report and the Statement of Allotment of Shares originally filed at the time of application for Licence.
  4. Clearance on any matters of outstanding enforcement issues.
  5. Approved Individual Consumer Code of Practice (ICCP) – Upload the evidence of Approval or Draft ICCP that meets the Consumer Code Practice Regulations, 2007.
  6. Approved Disaster Recovery Plan. The Disaster Recovery Guidelines is available on the Commission’s website under the Licensing & Regulation Section. Submit a draft document for review and approval.
  7. Clearance on Yearly submission of Operator Statistical Data.
  8. Upon fulfilment of necessary obligations and approval of licence renewal application, licensee would be requested to pay the applicable renewal fee(s).

Contact for further assistance [email protected]

+234094617054 +234094618720, +234094618719, +234094618714
