STUDY: Research on Taxes, Levies and Fees by State Governments on Telecoms Operators in Nigeria and its Effect on the National Digital Economy Agenda

There are over 40 different taxes and levies meted out upon the Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) carrying out telecoms services in Nigeria. Although these taxes serve as critical sources of revenue for the various tiers of Government in Nigeria, there are nonetheless severe national consequences of over-taxation. Over taxation limits the prospects of rollout of a National digital economy’s because it impedes network expansion efforts by Telecoms Operators and hinders further build out advancements and investments. It also limits Operator efforts at mobile penetration and digital inclusion as some of these taxes are being passed to consumers.

The aim of this research is to establish the quantum of charges on Telecoms companies in Nigeria by State Governments and examine its effect on the Access Gap per State and in turn, the National Digital Economy Agenda.


A comprehensive study on the taxes, levies, and fees imposed by state governments on telecom operators in Nigeria and their impact on the national digital economy agenda.