Frequently Asked Questions


About The NIN

What is NIN?

NIN which stands for National Identity Number is the 11-digit number that uniquely identifies you either as a citizen of Nigeria, or as a foreigner legally resident in Nigeria. The NIN is issued upon enrolment by the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC). NIMC is the government agency responsible for identity management in Nigeria.

Linking Your NIN With Your Mobile Number

Why am I being asked to submit my NIN to my Network provider?

By submitting your NIN to your mobile network provider your mobile number will be linked to your NIN, thereby providing a means of verifying your identity and safeguarding both your identity and mobile line.

Nigerians In The Diaspora

How about Nigerians who live abroad? Will they be able to register for NIN and integrate their NIN with their SIMs?

  • YES, NIMC has licensed foreign enrolment partners to register Nigerians in the diaspora and issue them the NIN. Please click

Foreigners Living In Nigeria Or Visiting From Abroad

Are foreigners living in Nigeria and using Nigerian mobile networks also affected by the directive?

Yes. All persons in Nigeria who use mobile networks are required to register their SIM cards and link them with the NIN database.

Other Relevant Questions

Whose job is it to update the SIM Registration Records with NIN? Is it the Network Providers, NIMC or NCC?

With regards to the directive by NCC (the regulator of the communications sector in Nigeria), on behalf of the Federal Government, Mobile Network Providers (MNOs) are to update SIM registration records with NIN. This will be done in collaboration with NIMC and the MNOs. More so other government institutions, state governments and private companies have been approved as enrolment agents to MNOs subscribers.

Internet Data Usage

Internet Data

What is Internet Data Usage?

Internet data is a service provided by telecom service operators to the end users to enable them access the internet. The speed of the access and the nature of activities which the consumer can carry out often depends on the nature of the technology in use. Access technologies are usually classified into "Generations" to denote their age and characteristics, as follows:

Causes of Data Consumption/Usage/Depletion

What is Mobile Data?

Mobile data is internet content accessed by, or delivered to your phone over a wireless/cellular (i.e. mobile) connection. When you purchase mobile data plans, you are entitled to a certain amount of data over a fixed period of time. You can also access the internet through Wi-Fi connections depending on whether you have access to that particular Wi-Fi network. With mobile data however, you can use the internet as long as your phone can detect your network’s data signals, and you have an active data plan on that network.

Monitor and limit data usage

How to monitor and limit data usage on an Android phone


Use data saver mode

If you have Android 8.0 or later, your phone should come equipped with Data Saver mode, which kicks in when you are not on Wi-Fi and ensures that apps and services that are not being actively used won’t be able to stream data in the background.

  1. It is very easy to turn Data Saver mode on and off. To do this,

Space Service

Space Services

From the Space Station Application Form, page 2 under “Satellite Antenna Parameters” section: Does the Uplink EIRP question refer to the EIRP value of one carrier, or the whole transponder?

The EIRP value is the EIRP of the whole transponder

From the Space Station Application Form, page 2, under “Satellite Antenna Parameters” section: Does the PFD at Earth Surface question refer to Downlink PFD of one carrier, or the whole transponder?

The downlink PFD value of is the PFD of the whole transponder.


What is a Communications Licence?

A Communications Licence is an Individual Licence or a Class Licence issued by the Commission which authorizes the holder to provide communications service, in line with Section 31 of the Nigerian Communications Act 2003.