Professional Creative Artists and Designers in Nigeria (PCAD) Pay A Courtesy Call to EVC/CEO of NCC

The Association of Professional Creative Artists and Designers in Nigeria paid a courtesy call to the EVC/ CEO of NCC to discuss ways of collaborating with the Commission to help educate the teeming artists and designers in Nigeria of the role ICT has come to play in Arts, graphic designs and all spheres of our lives. 

The Association was represented by Its Chairman BOT/ National President Mr. Kingsley Okafor and Secretary BOT/National Vice President whom were welcomed by Director Public Affairs, Mr.  Tony Ojobo in his office on behalf of the EVC. 

The Association commended the Leadership and Management of NCC in fast tracking the development of ICT and creating a flourishing environment for private investment and increasing the level of GDP in the country. 

The Association was quite specific in its request for ICT in Arts and Designs highlighting the richness of our cultural heritage which holds a potential for employment and economic growth for the country if well harnessed.

The Chairman of the Association informed the Commission that they are organizing an Art Walk Exhibitions and Events and is inviting the NCC to participate to educate the relevant stakeholders of the role of ICT in Arts and Designs and, to use the avenue to  campaign and  sensitize the public on the year of the Telecom Consumer and its variables: Do not Disturb 2242 Code, the 622 NCC toll Free Line, Quality of Service, Electromganetic fields and radiarions from masts/towers and, its mandate as enshrined in the Nigerian Communications Act 2003. 

The DPA expressed interest in the proposed exhibition and assured the Association that the proposal would be delivered to EVC.