The Universal Service Provision Fund (USPF) secretariat, a department of NCC created under the Nigerian Communications Act (NCA) 2003 to support the provision of ICT services in unserved and underserved areas of Nigeria, commenced in the North East Zonal stakeholder engagement workshop in Yola
Against the background of the documented and research-based evidence of the centrality of ICT to individual, social, economic and national development, the USPF in keeping with the reigning paradigm of development and sustainability - particularly the importance of an all-inclusive engagement and collaborative partnership - convened the workshop to enable all stakeholders to discuss and evolve ways of ensuring the growth and sustainability of Community Resource Centres (CRCs), School Knowledge Centres and other similar projects and programmes facilitated by the Fund.
The USPF is convinced that it is through appropriate utilisation of these projects in a sustainable manner that will bolster the economy of the beneficiaries and communities, and accelerate social development especially in terms of qualitative and equitable education; effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare systems; improved access to markets and information for the small-scale farmers; and for neighbourhood crisis and disaster prevention and management.
Participants at the workshop, among them government officials, community leaders, development enthusiasts and journalists, have had exciting times of lively discourse and knowledge acquisition at the 2-Day workshop.