Why is my company’s Memorandum and Article of Association (MEMART) rejected?
Memorandum and Article of Association must include telecommunication as an object clause that allows the company to provide telecommunication service in Nigeria.
Memorandum and Article of Association must include telecommunication as an object clause that allows the company to provide telecommunication service in Nigeria.
Please note that TCC and TIN verification and validation is done by FIRS. The Commission does not reject / process TCC or TIN. Kindly contact FIRS for further assistance.
Submit a formal request for refund to the Commission in writing attaching all supporting documents.
Note that you are required to register your company and then apply for the Licence by clicking on the Licensing Application Management System (LAMS) to begin the Licence application process.
Upload a current CAC
The Commission has a surveillance programme aimed at identifying illegal operators and appropriate sanctions/enforcement action against any defaulter who fails to regularize operations. The Commission would be pleased to receive information from the public on only suspected illegal Operator.
A Company applying for a Licence must be registered in Nigeria by the Corporate Affairs Commission (C.A.C)
An applicant must be adequately capitalized to provide the proposed service. Evidence of sufficient funding is one of the requirement for Licence.
The NCC does not grant Licences for radio broadcasting. You may contact the Nigerian Broadcasting Commission for further information on establishing a FM Radio Station.