List of companies providing special numbering services with operative and expiry dates
List of licensees with their names, addresses, operative dates, and expiry dates for the Unified Access Service Licence.
List of companies licensed for public payphone services in Nigeria
List of companies providing submarine cable infrastructure and landing station services in Nigeria, including their operative dates and expiry dates.
List of companies with their names, addresses, operative dates, and expiry dates for the Unified Access Service Licence.
Guide on how to apply for a license online, including steps to register a company and submit an online license application.
Questions and answers related to the auction of spectrum in the 2GHz and 450MHz bands, including important notice about the Intention-to-Bid Deposit (IBD) requirement.
Document providing information on the auction procedure for licensing spectrum in the 2 GHz and 450 MHz bands
Results of the licensing of spectrum in the 2GHz spectrum band by the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) in 2007.
Information Memorandum for 2 GHz Spectrum Auction by Nigerian Communications Commission in 2007
Document granting a spectrum licence for 3G services in Nigeria under the Wireless Telegraphy Act and Nigerian Communications Act.
List of companies providing value-added services with their respective addresses, operative dates, and expiry dates.
List of companies providing value-added services along with their license numbers, operative dates, and expiry dates.
List of companies providing vehicular tracking services along with their operative and expiry dates.
List of National Long Distance Operators with operative and expiry dates
List of companies providing vehicular tracking services in Nigeria with their respective operative and expiry dates.