Application form for a GATEWAY Earth Station (GES) frequency licence
Document assigning Frequency pairs for the deployment of a Gateway Earth Station in XXX State
Form for applying for a High Altitude Platform Station (HAPS) Network Frequency Licence
Document assigning Frequency pairs for the deployment of HAPS Network in Nigeria
Landing permit issued by the Nigerian Communications Commission for the OPERATOR SATELITTE-01 satellite space segment in Nigeria.
Information Memorandum issued by the Nigerian Communications Commission regarding the 3.5 GHz Spectrum Auction.
License document granted by the Nigerian Communications Commission for Value Added Services (Special Numbering) under Section 32 of the Nigerian Communications Act, 2003.
Vacancy notice for the position of Executive Officer at the West Africa Telecommunications Regulators Assembly (WATRA)
Information about the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), its structure, activities, and protection standards presented at the First West African Conference on EMF and Health in Lagos, Nigeria.
License document granted by the Nigerian Communications Commission under Section 32 of the Nigerian Communications Act, 2003 to XXXXXXXXXX LIMITED.
Appendix E of the Wholesale Wireless Access Service Licence granted by the Nigerian Communications Commission to XYZ Nigeria Limited under Section 32 of the Nigerian Communications Act, 2003.
This document contains the conditions applicable to all undertakings related to a call centre service licence.
License document for Value Added Services related to Call Directory issued by the Nigerian Communications Commission
Announcement of the postponement of the 2.6 GHz Frequency Spectrum Auction by the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) on behalf of the Federal Government of Nigeria.
An assessment of international voice traffic termination rates, including policy, competition, and economic analysis.
A manual containing instructions and resources for completing online safety exercises in a classroom setting with 9-12 year olds, aimed at inspiring conversations about online safety issues.
Application form for obtaining a short code from the Nigerian Communications Commission, requiring submission of specific documents and information related to Value Added Service (VAS) licensing and network architecture.
Application form for International Signaling Point Code (ISPC) allocation
PUBLIC NOTICE signed by Professor Umar Garba Danbatta (FNSE, FRAES, FAEng, FNIEEE), Executive Vice Chairman/CEO of Nigerian Communications Commission.
Document discussing key concepts in cyber security, including definitions, functions, threats, risks, and response teams.
Information request notice for mobile telephony operators regarding year-end details and contact information.
This document is an Appendix F of a Frequency Spectrum Licence granted to XXXXXXXXXX Limited under Sections 121 and 125 of the Nigerian Communications Act 2003.
A guide to understanding and managing cyberbullying, including spotting signs, dealing with online drama, and distinguishing between banter and bullying.
The Impact of Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships on Internet Governance for Development
Presentation by Lanre Ajayi Councilor, ICANN GNSO on Internet Governance, multi-stakeholder model, organizations involved, recent policies, and Nigerian input.
Presentation by Jimson Olufuye at the Nigeria Internet Governance Forum (NIGF -2012) on September 25, 2012, discussing digital inclusion, public access policy issues, and strategies for promoting an open knowledge environment in Nigeria.
A National Forum on the Internet Governance (NIGF 2012) held in Nigeria to gather stakeholders' contributions for the Global Internet Governance Forum 2012.
Report on the status of Nigeria's participation in the Internet Governance Forum in 2012
Presentation by Ernest Ndukwe, OFR, Chairman of Openmedia Communications Ltd, at the NIGF 2013 Conference on Critical Infrastructure
Remarks by the Director General of the National Information Technology Development Agency at the Nigeria Internet Governance Forum 2013
A book providing an introduction to Internet governance, authored by Jovan Kurbalija in its 4th Edition.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the main issues and actors in the field of Internet governance, covering technical, security, legal, economic, development, sociocultural, and human rights aspects.
Annual report analyzing the performance data for the year 2021 in the Policy Competition and Economic Analysis Department.
Year-end questionnaire for fixed telephony operators including fixed wireless, fixed wired, and private network link operators, requesting contact and general information as per Nigerian Communications Commission ACT, 2003.
Form for collecting information from Internet Service Providers at the end of the year as per Nigerian Communications ACT, 2003.
Form for information request notice for year-end questionnaire for operators and service providers in Nigeria under the Nigerian Communications Commissions Act, 2003.
Presentation to the House of Representatives Ad-Hoc Committee to Investigate the Health Implication of the Mounting of Telecommunications Mast Close to Buildings by Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC). The presentation aims to provide information on the safety of telecommunications infrastructure, address health concerns and misconceptions on radiation from telecoms masts, and assure that radiation within specified limits is not harmful.
Information about the Africa Safer Internet Day (ASID) and its history
Document providing guidelines for parents, guardians, and educators on child online protection, published by the International Telecommunication Union in Geneva in 2009.
Document providing guidelines for policy makers on child online protection, published by the International Telecommunication Union in Geneva in 2009.