How to Make Payment to NCC in the New Dispensation (TSA)

The payment channels are as follows:

  1. At any branch of any Bank nationwide
  2. With debit/credit cards (Mastercard, Verve, Visa)
  3. Your Internet Banking site
  4. Digital Wallet/Mobile Money
  5. Your remita profile (for registered remita users).

The Platform can be accessed through the NCC website ( or the remita website (

  1. From the NCC website (
    1. Follow the Remita payment options logo to access the NCC payment page.
    2. Select the Service Type that you are paying for.
    3. For some services, the system displays the applicable fees, otherwise enter the amount payabled. Submit to generate a Remita Retrieval Reference (RRR) – a unique payment reference for your transaction. This should be presented at any payment channel.
    4. Select your preferred payment channel to make payment.
  2. From the Remita website (
    1. Click "Pay A Federal Government Agency" link.
    2. Enter NCC or “Nigerian Communications Commission” as Name of MDA and select the Service Type you are paying for.
    3. For some services, the system displays the applicable fees, otherwise enter the amount payable.
    4. Submit to generate a Remita Retrieval Reference (RRR) – a unique payment reference for your transaction. This should be presented at any payment channel
    5. Select your preferred payment channel to make payment

Payers are encouraged to take advantage of any of the above payment platforms for ease of transactions.

Further enquiries should be directed to the Financial Services Department: +234 9 461 7000

