Commercial Benchmarks

The following Commercial (i.e. Customer Experience) Quality of Service (QoS) indicators for Mobile Services define the minimum QoS benchmarks for all GSM mobile operators' services licensed by the Nigerian Communications Commission.

Customer Complaints per 100 Customers= 5
Customer Satisfaction Index

Speed of Problem ResolutionValue
% Cleared on Same Day> 90%
% Cleared in 2 Days> 95%
% Cleared in 3 Days & Above

Billing IntegrityValue
% of Total Bills Overcharged< 0.5%
% of Incorrect Credit Balance< 0.5%
% of Failures for Credit Balance Inquiry
< 1%

Customer CareValue
Call Completion Rate100%
Minutes a Customer spends on Queue;
There must be a repeated announcement at every two-minute interval.

Customer InterfaceValue
Number of Interface PointsNumber should be tied to subscriber base.
Minutes a Customer spends on Queue;
10 mins

Recharge CardsValue
% of Recharge Card Loading Errors< 0.02%
% of Recharge Card Loading Incorrect Feedback
< 0.02%