Advanced Digital Awareness Programme for Tertiary Institutions (ADAPTI)

The ADAPTI initiative is aimed at bridging the digital information gaps that exists in the academia and facilitate remote research and learning between lecturers and students by providing computers, other ICT equipment and the necessary facilities to afford the lecturers, staff and students the requisite ICT skills in the new digital economy ecosystem. The NCC supplies Laptop Computer and E- pads and other ICT equipment, including scanners and printers to the beneficiary institutions. This also includes, the provision of E-Learning applications for academics and students in tertiary institutions across the country.


  • To bridge the digital information knowledge gap especially among the teeming youthful population of Nigeria.
  • To specifically provide the tools that enable fanliliarity, skill development and confidence in the utilization of ICT in teaching, research and learning.
  • To enhance internet penetration, usage and adoption in education across the country.
  • Provision of access for online registration of examinations
  • To encourage learning outside the school environment.