Banking & Email Safety Tips

Internet Banking Safety Tips

  • Never log on to your Internet or Mobile Banking using public WI-FI, your data can easily be stolen my malicious persons using the WI-FI Access.
  • Never open your internet banking by clicking a link, rather type in the banks URL manually to avoid being taken to a clone site where your data can easily be stolen.
  • Always two-factor authentication password for sensitive data such as your internet banking- This will give you an added layer of security for your data.
  • Always have your internet/mobile baking Apps up to date as required.

Email Safety Tips

  • Do not open emails from unknown sources. Also, if an email looks suspicious it usually is do not open it.
  • Always look out for grammatic typo on the email, this is usually a sign that the email is fake.
  • Be careful when u download- Do not open or download attachments from someone you do not know, even if the sender is familiar. This might contain a virus or malware that will infect your device once opened.
  • Use Spam filters on your emails, this helps to keep spam emails away from your main inbox.
  • Always report any suspicious activities on your email to your organisations IT department, they will advise you accordingly.