Following consultations with the relevant industry stakeholders and in consonance with the Nigerian National Broadband Plan of 2013 and observed developments in international licensing trends on the best way to issue 2.6GHz Spectrum, the Commission decided to license the available 2 X 70 MHz slot in the 2.6GHz spectrum band in slots of 5 MHz to be aggregated by applicants through the Spectrum auction process. i.e. 14 Lots of 2 X 5 MHz FDD paired Spectrum ranging from 2500 – 2570MHz and 2620 to 2690MHz (totalling 2 X 70 MHz) for auction.
The Spectrum is offered by the Commission on a technology neutral basis. However, for roll-out of services, the Commission intends to follow the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) recommendation setting aside Spectrum in the 2.6GHz band for the provision of Advanced wireless broadband services.
The Successful Bidders at the Auction will be issued ten (10) year National Spectrum Licenses on a State by State basis. This License will authorise the licensee to make use of the designated part of the Electromagnetic Spectrum for the purpose of operating Advanced Broadband Service Network according to the terms of the relevant operating Unified Access Service License (UASL).
Document providing information about the 2.6 GHz Spectrum Auction by the Nigerian Communications Commission in March 2016.
This document is a Unified Access Service Licence granted by the Nigerian Communications Commission to XYZ NIGERIA LIMITED under Section 32 of the Nigerian Communications Act, 2003. It contains information about the licence, definitions, interpretations, general conditions, compliance with the Act, WTA and Regulations, directory information, emergency situations, approval of tariffs, and prohibition of undue preference and undue discrimination.
License granted by the Nigerian Communications Commission for the establishment and operation of radio transmitting and receiving stations
The content provides questions and answers related to the 2.6 GHz Information Memorandum (IM) published by the Commission for an auction. It clarifies details such as the goals of the auction, the minimum and maximum number of lots to be bidded, and the requirements for Technical and Financial plans.