The following are the Public Notices issued by the Nigerian Communications Commission. By the publication of these notices in print, broadcast or online, the Commission seeks to inform the public of developments and upcoming actions relating to its activites and the Nigerian telecommunications industry.
CANCELLATION: Expression of Interest (EOI) for Tier III Data Centre for Local Hosting of NCC Website And Online Applications
The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) published a bid solicitation advertisement in the Leadership and the Nation Newspapers of Monday, March 9, 2020 and the Federal Tenders Journal of Mond
Calling for Submissions on the Draft Data Protection Bill 2020
As part of the processes leading up to the enactment of the Federal legislation on Data Protection, stakeholders and other interested persons are hereby invited to review and forward their submissi
Request For Proposal (RFP) for Engagement of Consumer Advocacy Groups
General Terms of Reference
Extension of deadline for submission of Virtual Hackathon Proposals
The Nigerian Communications Commission has noted the inconsistency between the date [17th July, 2020] and the day [Monday], being deadline for submission of the Virtual Hackathon proposals, as sta
NCC Virtual Hackathon: Request for Adaptable Digital Solutions for Addressing the Impacts of Pandemic and Epidemic Prone-Diseases from Technology Hubs, Startups And Innovation Digital SMEs In Nigeria.
The Nigerian Communications Commission, the Regulator of the Telecommunications Industry in Nigeria, supports amongst other things, the development of Innovative services and Life changing Solutio
Request for Proposal (RFP) Telecommunications- Based Research Innovation from Academics in Nigeria Tertiary Institutions - 2020
The Nigerian Communications Commission, the Regulator of the telecommunications industry in Nigeria, supports amongst other things, telecommunications-based innovations and research from tertiary
Request for Adaptable Digital Solutions for Addressing the Impacts of Pandemic and Epidemic Prone-Diseases from Technology Hubs, Startups and Innovation Digital SMEs In Nigeria
The Nigerian Communications Commission, the Regulator of the Telecommunications Industry in Nigeria, supports amongst other things, the development of Innovative services and Life changing Solution
Stakeholders' Consultation on Commercial Satellite Communications Services
In line with the Commission’s policy of participatory regulation and the usual practice of industry wide consultation in carrying out its regulatory functions, the Nigerian Communications Commissio
DISCLAIMER: Fake Employment Letters
The attention of the Nigerian Communications Commission has been drawn to fake employment letters in circulation purportedly signed by the Chairman, Nigerian Communications Commission.
Development of a Policy for Deployment of 5G in Nigeria
The Nigerian Communications Commission (the Commission) is mandated by Section 4(q) of the Nigerian Communications Act 2003 (the NCA), to prepare and implement programmes and plans that promote an
VACANCY: Executive Secretary - WATRA
The West Africa Telecommunications Regulators Assembly (WATRA) founded in 2002 is a consultative and collaborative body of Telecommunications Regulators in the West African sub region to aid and ad
The National Digital Economy Policy and Strategy
The National Digital Economy Policy and Strategy (NDEPS) has been developed in line with the Presidential directives given to the Honourable Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, Dr.
PRESS STATEMENT: NCC Suspends Spectrum Trading Guidelines 2018
The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has suspended the Spectrum Trading Guidelines 2018 for the Nigerian telecommunications industry.
Frequently Asked Questions On Internet Data Consumption/Depletion/Usage
In view of recent developments pertaining to the unfortunate spread of the Corona Virus (Covid-19), the Federal Government directed a total lockdown of some States from the 30th of March 2020, whil
PRESS STATEMENT: No 5G Licenses Issued Yet
The attention of the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has been drawn to a mischievous statement making the rounds on social media like Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, LinkedIn and other sites
New Nigerian National Broadband Plan 2020 - 2025
Download: The Nigerian National Broadband Plan 2020 – 2025.
DISCLAIMER: Press Statement: NCC Alerts Nigerians about Fake Website Spreading False Free Internet Claim
{source} [[div]]{modal gallery="images/ncc/news/2020/04/03/DISCLAIMERpressStatementNCCalerts"}{/modal} [[br]]Click to view pictures.
Addendum to the Draft Guidelines on Use of Television Whitespace (TVWS) in Nigeria
The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), in conjunction with the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC), has developed draft Guidelines for the use of Television White Spaces (TVWS) for rural
PUBLIC NOTICE: Draft Guidelines on the use of Television White Space (TVWS) in Nigeria
The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), in conjunction with the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC), has developed draft Guidelines for the use of Television White Spaces (TVWS) for rural
PUBLIC NOTICE: List of Authorised Space Stations in Nigeria
The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), in exercise of its functions enshrined in the Nigerian Communications Act NCA-2003, developed the Commercial Satellite Communications Guidelines for t
PUBLIC NOTICE: Vacancy at Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO)
As a member and key player in the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO), the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has been notified of the existence of vacancy for the post of Sec
PUBLIC NOTICE: Further Addendum to Invitation to Tender, Prequalification and Expression of Interest (EOI) for Execution of Projects under the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) 2019 Budget
Re-categorization of lots TS-1
PUBLIC NOTICE: National Cyber-Security Awareness Month
The Month of October is the National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM).
PUBLIC NOTICE: Immediate Suspension of End-User Billing for Consumers on Unstructured Supplementaty Service Data (USSD)
In line with the Federal Government directives that USSD charges as announced by operators be suspended.