The following are the Public Notices issued by the Nigerian Communications Commission. By the publication of these notices in print, broadcast or online, the Commission seeks to inform the public of developments and upcoming actions relating to its activites and the Nigerian telecommunications industry.
Re: Postponement Notification to Network Service Providers on the Upcoming Changes to Root Zone “Domain Name System Security Extensions” (DNSSEC)
The Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) on February 01, 2018 announced a formal ICANN public comment period, which is open to receive community input on a draft plan towards
Public Notice : Extension Of VAS - Aggregator License Application
Applicants should note that:
Public Notice : Consultative Forum on Value Added Services Framework
further to the Cosultative Forum held on January 23 2018 at the Commission HQ and the subsequent comments/inputs received form the stakeholders in respect of the VAS Aggregator Framework published
Public Inquiry on Draft Commercial Satellite Communications Guidelines & Draft Amended Consumer Code of Practice Regulations
In accordance with Section 57 of the Nigeria Communications Act 2003, a Public Inquiry in respect of the above has been scheduled to hold as follows;
Press Release: NCC Board approves two new Infraco Licences for South East and North East
Over a year ago, MainOne Cable Company Limited, had been licenced to provide services in Lagos while IHS got its licence to cover the North Central geopolitical zone including Abuja.
Press Release: Call Masking - Sanctions, License Revocation or Suspension Looms in the Telecoms Industry
In accordance with the provisions of the Nigerian Communications Act and its subsidiary regulations, the implicated licensees have been given till the 31st of January to show cause why the Commiss
Public Notice: Extension of the Deadline for the Public/ Stakeholder Consultation on the Establishment of Internet Code of Practice
It will be appreciated if stakeholder summit their comments and inputs on and before the new deadline via the online portal, and in hard c
Press Release: Hosts Forum On Cost Based Pricing For Retail Broadband And Data Services
The event which is slated for Digital Bridge Institute (DBI) Cappa, Oshodi, Lagos is part of the Commission’s engagement with industry players and stakeholders with a view to getting their inputs
Press Release: NCC Clears The Air on 9Mobile Acquisition.
- Barclays Africa remains in full control of the process leading to the emergence of a new owner for the company.
Stakeholder Consultation for Establishment of an Internet Industry Code of Practice
The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) hereby invites all affected and interested parties as well as the general public to a Stakeholder Consultation on the;
Press Release: NCC Reads the Riot Act on Improper SIM Card Registration
Danbatta expressed the fears by everybody especially in reference to security reports from the office of the National Security Adviser (ONSA) and the fear of non compliance to the Telephone Subscr
Stakeholder Comments on Draft Guidelines on Commercial Satellite Communications
The Nigerian Communications Commission further to powers conferred on it by the Nigerian Communications Act 2003 has developed Draft Guidelines on Commercial Satellite Communications (the Draft Gui
Public Notice: October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) 2017
The Nigerian Communications Commission is proud to participate in National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) in October 2017.
Press Release: 9Mobile - NCC Intervened to Safeguard Investors, Staff and Subscribers
Danbatta said “the over $2B Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), by Mubadala of United Arab Emirates (UAE) was hanging, while 20million Subscribers and over 2000 workers would have been affected if we
Press Release: Notification to Network Service Providers on the Upcoming Changes to Root Zone " Domain Name System Extentions" (DNSSEC)
1. Network Operators that have already enabled DNSSEC validation on their network must update their system with the new KSK in order to avoid disruption of users’ access to the I
Press Release: NCC Consumer Conversation Campus Voices
Are you currently a student of the University of Lagos with about 10,000 fans on Facebook, 5,000 on Instagram and 2,500 on Twitter?
Press Release: Nigeria Takes Broadband Internet Campaign to ITU Telecom World 2017
The ITU Telecom World 2017 is a global platform for major industry players, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Countries and Organisations to network and share ideas about new developments and t
Press Release: Invitation to SMEs & Innovators: Nigeria @ ITU Telecom World 2017
{source} [[div]]{modal gallery="images/ncc/news/201707/002"}{/modal} [[br]]Click to view. [[/div]] {/source}
Three SMEs and three Innovators will be selected by the NCC.
Press Release: NCC Assures Subscribers of Network Integrity of Etisalat
The attention of the Commission has been drawn to a planned takeover of Etisalat by a consortium of banks.
DISCLAIMER: Notice On Fraudulent Job Offers On Social Media
The Nigerian Communications Commission hereby notify the general public that the advertisement video
Notice To All Licensed Operators And Subscribers
The NCC therefore wishes to advise that the following protective measures be taken, amongst others:
Public Inquiry on the Draft Guidelines on Spectrum Trading
In accordance with Section 57 of the Nigeria Communications Act 2003, a Public Inquiry in respect of the Draft Guidelines has been scheduled to hold on Tuesday, October 31, 2017 by 11am at the Nig
DISCLAIMER: Notice on Fraudulent Contract Award Letters
The general public and corporate organisations are advised not to transact business with the unscrupulous persons issuing these fake letters and to ensure that thorough due diligence is conducted