Licensing & Authorisation

The Licensing & Authorization Department is the Department charged with evaluating applicants and turning them into licensees of the Commission. The Department, per Section of 31 (1) of the NCA 2003, processes license applications, reviews and processes the renewal of expired licenses, produces license documents & certificates (for Class licensees), and maintains the licensees’ database.

Zonal Operations

The Zonal Operations Department Reports to the Executive Commissioner (Stakeholder Management). The Department has the mandate to oversee, coordinate, and supervise activities of the Commission's Zonal Offices, and to ensure optimal utilization of human and material resources to efficiently actualize the regulatory mandate of the Commission. The Zonal Offices of the Commission are located in Enugu, Ibadan, Kano, Lagos, and Port Harcourt.

DIRECTOR: Ms. Helen Obi

Board of Commissioners

The Board of Commissioners is charged with the governance of the Nigerian Communications Commission and has oversight functions over all of the Commission's activities. Its nine (9) members are appointed by the President, subject to confirmation by the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria; this includes the EVC and the two Executive Commissioners, and the six non-Executive members representing each of the six geopolitical zones in Nigeria.

Commission Secretariat

The Commission Secretariat Reports directly to the Board of Commissioners. It is the department charged with carrying out the secretarial responsibilities of the Commission, as well as managing, coordinating, and communicating the activities and decisions of the NCC's Board of Commissioners. The Department therefore prepares and evaluates all agreements between the Commission, other agencies, its contractors, and consultants.

Internal Audit

The Internal Audit Department Reports directly to the EVC/CEO and is subject to the Board of Commissioners' oversight. It is responsible for ensuring that the Commission's systems and procedures across all departments are in full compliance with Public Service Rules, Finance & Accounting Regulations, Treasury circulars, and other Government Regulations.

Corporate Services

The Corporate Services Department is mandated to provide and maintain a conducive and safe work environment, work tools, and support services for staff to achieve the Commission's objectives. Its core operations include managing facilities, utilities, janitorial services, vehicle fleet, assets, inventory, office equipment, vendors, fumigation, and security across all premises. Additionally, the Department handles architectural, electrical, mechanical, civil works, property acquisition, bill payments, and security personnel management.

Public Affairs

The Public Affairs Department reports directly to the EVC/CEO. It is responsible for providing adequate, accurate, and timely information about the Commission’s policies, programs, and decisions in order to build cordial relationships, and also coordinate and promote cooperation in areas of common interests between the Commission and its stakeholders. This includes the Nigerian public, telecoms operators, the Press, the National Assembly, Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAS) of Government.

Corporate Planning Strategy & Risk Management

The Corporate Planning Strategy & Risk Management Department reports directly to the EVC/CEO. It is responsible for the development and monitoring of the Commission’s corporate business plans and scorecards, overseeing the implementation and achievement of strategic goals, the planning and facilitation of retreats and workshops for the various cadres of staff within the NCC, conducting risk analyses, and facilitating the Commission's strategic decision-making processes, as well as coordinating the preparation of annual reports.

Policy Competition & Economic Analysis

The Policy Competition and Economic Analysis Department reports directly to the EVC/CEO. It is responsible for the economic regulation of the industry. This includes the approving, regulating, and monitoring of telecoms tariffs; assessing the level of competition in the industry; the monitoring of anticompetitive behaviors; measuring the performance of the telecoms industry; as well as the provision of policy directions on topical issues related to the telecoms industry. The Department also manages the Commission's Library and Telecoms museum.

Finance Services

The Finance Services Department is charged with keeping the financial and accounting records of the Commission in compliance with the requirements of the enabling laws of Nigeria. The Department's responsibilities include staff and third-party payment processing, preparation of the annual budget, preparation of fiscal year final accounts, budget and performance monitoring, coordination of annual audits by external auditors, remittance of taxes (i.e., WHT, VAT, PAYEE) to relevant agencies of government, etc.