Spectrum Administration

The Spectrum Administration Department reports to the ECTS. It is responsible for the management of spectrum resources on behalf of the Commission via the planning, allocation, assignment, and monitoring of the utilization of Radio Frequency Spectrum in the nation. The Department's mandate includes keeping records of all frequency assignments, the calculation and invoicing of frequency fees, and imposing sanctions on erring operators in conjunction with the Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Department of the Commission.

New Media & Information Security

The New Media & Information Security Department reports to the ECTS. It is responsible for the development of strategies, principles, and guidelines to ensure the integrity of the nation's cyberspace and interactive digital media platforms, the promotion of Internet penetration in the nation—particularly in the education sector, and the provision of strategic direction to the Commission on related matters as the primary coordinator of the NCC's participation at the Internet Governance Forum, ICANN, and other such international organizations.

Research & Development

The Research & Development Department reports to the ECTS. The Department conducts and facilitates research to enable a better understanding of emerging technologies and trends in the Telecommunications industry, and also provides information/data to support the development of strategies, principles, standards, and guidelines that ensure the continued effectiveness of the Commission as a regulator by carrying out research into emerging technologies and championing telecommunications-based innovations from academia.


The Projects Department reports to the ECTS. It is responsible for facilitating the development, monitoring, and evaluation of the Commission's projects. The Department's mandate includes conducting feasibility studies for identified/proposed projects; developing project implementation plans/frameworks; engaging project partners; monitoring, evaluating, and reporting on project performance; facilitating payments to contractors; and liaising with key stakeholders.

DIRECTOR: Mr. Philip Eretan

Information Technology

The Information Technology Department reports to the ECTS. It is responsible for the sourcing, deploying, administering, and monitoring of all Information Communications Technology (ICT) tools and infrastructure utilized by the Commission. The Department is therefore responsible for providing, managing, and administering network connectivity and infrastructure, ready access to ICT hardware and software, email systems, websites, data storage, and collaborative project platforms in use by the Commission.

Legal & Regulatory Services

The Legal & Regulatory Services Department reports to the Executive Commissioner (Stakeholder Management). It is charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the activities and operations of the Commission are carried out in line with the provisions of the Nigerian Communications Act 2003 and any other relevant legislation.

Compliance, Monitoring & Enforcement

The Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Department reports to the Executive Commissioner (Stakeholder Management) and is charged with the monitoring of licensees and the enforcement of compliance with set rules and regulations as defined within the Nigerian Communications Act 2003 and subsidiary regulations in order to ensure decent conduct within the industry. The Department also provides information for the publishing of annual reports on the performance of all licensees at the end of each financial year.

Consumer Affairs Bureau

The Consumer Affairs Bureau is the Department charged with ensuring the protection of the rights, privileges, and interests of telecommunications consumers and stakeholders, through adequate information publication and dissemination programmes, collaboration with Consumer Advocacy Groups, facilitating direct interaction between telecoms service providers and telecoms service consumers, creating avenues of redress for dissatisfied consumers, and the development of effective policies and strategies that promote telecoms service delivery and improve consumer sa