Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Report (Quarter 1 - 2017)

Compliance Monitoring And Enforcement Of The Commission’s Direction On The Establishment Of SIM Card Registration Controlled Environment In The Nigerian Telecoms Industry

Following the Commission’s Direction of 30th November, 2016 that Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) create or provide a controlled environment for its Authorized Dealers and Registration Agents to undertake SIM Card Registration in the Country, the Commission directed operators to forward a comprehensive list of all their Authorized Controlled SIM Registration Centers/ Dealers in line with the above D

Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Report (Quarter 4 - 2016)

Commission Issues Direction on Controlled Environment for SIM Card Registration

The Commission has been inundated with complaints from various stakeholders on the continued sale of pre-registered SIM Cards which are activated by Mobile Networks Operators and are of grave security implications to Nigeria.

As part of the strategy to address this lingering issue of the sale of pre-registered SIM Cards, the Commission on November 30, 2016 issued a Direction to Mobile Network Operators. This direction specified amongst others:

Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Report (Quarter 3 - 2016)

Compliance monitoring of the Commission's Direction to Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) to dedicate a uniform Short Code (2442) for opt-in to the Do-Not-Disturb (DND)

The Commission had issued a Direction to Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) to dedicate the short code 2442 on their networks for use by subscribers to opt-in to the "Do Not Disturb" database restricting unsolicited messages (Voice and SMS) on their MSISDN including the use of web based platforms as opt-out measures.

Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Report (Quarter 2 - 2016)

Commission Directs Visafone Communications Limited To Switch Off CDMA Signal In The 800MHz Band

Following a spectrum monitoring exercise conducted by the Commission, it was discovered that Visafone Communications Limited was operating in the 800 MHz band thereby causing interference to Smile Communications Limited.

Consequently the Commission directed Visafone Communications Limited to switch off all CDMA signal in the 800 MHz band entering into Ikeja, Lagos area. This directive was monitored and compliance confirmed accordingly.