Sunday September 01, 2024


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pdf Executive Summary on the level & Impact of Telecoms BAsed Research Innovations in Nigeria Tertiary Institutions ( 125 KB )
pdf Exploration Study on the Application of Computer Vision Technology ( 1.34 MB )
pdf Facilitating Broadband Growth Through Regulation ( 175 KB )
pdf Facilitating Broadband Penetration for Social and Economics Transformation ( 835 KB )
document Facilitating Broadband Penetration for Social and Economics Transformation 20171104 ( 1.86 MB )
pdf FAQ on 2.3GHz Spectrum Auction ( 88 KB )
pdf Fees for Class Licenses ( 13 KB )
pdf Fees for Individual Licences ( 26 KB )
pdf Fees for Individual Licences ( 83 KB )
pdf Final Report On The Harmonization Of Short Codes In Use In The Industry ( 903 KB )
pdf Final Result Of The Auction Of One Slot Of 30 MHz Frequency In The 2.3 GHz Band ( 89 KB )
pdf First Round ( 26 KB )
pdf Fixed Telephony 201302 ( 70 KB )
pdf Fixed Telephony 201310 ( 72 KB )
pdf Fixed Telephony201309 ( 71 KB )
pdf Fixed Telephony201312 ( 74 KB )
pdf Fixed Wireless / Wired Telephony Services ( 513 KB )
pdf Fixed Wireless / Wired Telephony Services ( 1.00 MB )
pdf Fixed Wireless / Wired Telephony Services 2018 ( 750 KB )