Sunday September 01, 2024

The Polish Ambassador to Nigeria, His Excellency Andrzej Dycha, yesterday paid a visit to the Nigerian Communications Commission, NCC, to congratulate the Executive Vice Chairman/CEO, Prof. Umar Danbatta on his appointment and importantly to seek collaboration between NCC and the Polish telecom regulator, UKE.

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Mr. Dycha recalled the exponential growth in the Polish economy arising from the transformation policies initiated since the ascendancy of the late President Lech Walesa and said that explains why Poland is the 6th richest economy in Europe, marked by thriving business and commerce as well as a vibrant telecommunication sector. The Ambassador, who invited NCC to visit Poland, meet with its counterpart and explore ways to collaborate, also said Poland had followed with admiration the trend in Nigeria's telecommunications sector and is ready to explore how Polish businesses can also invest in the telecommunication industry in Nigeria.  

The EVC, an alumnus of a Polish University, responded with a sense of nostalgia recalling his sojourn in Poland and how remarkable and fulfilling it was to have studied in that country. He told his visitor he (EVC) had an extensive tour of Poland and still maintains his friendship with many people from Poland. Prof. Danbatta told the Ambassador he (Danbatta) was quite gratified by the visit and thanked the him for finding Nigeria a great place to invest.

Prof. Danbatta told the Ambassador that the Commission (NCC) will examine the proposal and the invite from the Ambassador to institute a process of collaboration with the Polish telecom regulator, as well as network with other agencies of the Nigerian Government to fully explore to the invitation for collaboration offered by the Ambassador. Prof. Danbatta conveyed the best wishes of the Commission to the Ambassador and wished him a fruitful stay in Nigeria.

HE Dycha, the Ambassdor was accompanied to the Commission by Dr. Nghargbu K'tso, the National Financial Secretary of Polish Universities Alumni Association.