Sunday July 28, 2024

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The Kano Zonal Office of the Nigerian Communications Commission has taken the topical serial conversation of the Commission with stakeholders to members of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), the Physically-Challenged and the Governor of Katsina State.

At the Karaye, NYSC Orientation camp in Kano State, Shuaibu Swade, Controller of NCC Kano Office beseeched the corpers to serve as NCC ambassadors by taking the messages of the Commission further to the grassroots where they will undertake their primary assignments.
Swade told the corpers about the 622 toll free line set up by the NCC to enable telecom consumers to escalate unresolved complaints earlier reported to their service providers, as well as the 2442 (Do Not Disturb) Code which the Commission instituted to enable consumers to manage or put an end to the recurrence of unsolicited messages that terminate on their devices.

Corpers were also educated on the Mobile Number Portability (MNP) services that consumers can leverage to migrate from their current telecom network to another without losing their mobile numbers. Swade also took the opportunity of the visit to correct the misinformation about Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) radiation from telecom masts and base stations. He told over 2500 corp members that there's no validated scientific evidence linking telecom masts and base stations to any health issue because the radiation from those sources do not carry enough energy that can cause harm to humans.

Similarly, in keeping with section 1(h) of the Nigerian Communications Act (NCA) 2003, which mandates the Commission to "ensure that the needs of the disabled and the elderly persons are taken into consideration in the provision of communication services", the Kano Zonal Office staff were led by the Controller yesterday to pay a visit to the members of the Executive Council of the Kano Chapter of the Association of the Physically-Challenged Persons. Swade told the leaders of the Association about measures that have been taken by the Commission to protect the rights and safeguard the privileges of the Physically-Challenged groups.
Based on the provision of paragraph 40 (1) of the Consumer Code of Practice Regulations (2007), Swade informed the disabled that all telecom licensees are mandated to make adequate provision that enhances the ability of the Physically-Challenged members of the society to access complaint handling process, otherwise they may be represented by their accredited representatives in order to make complaints about their experiences with telecoms service.

Also, the Kano Zonal Office visited the residence of the Governor of Katsina State, His Excellency, the Right Honourable Aminu Bello Massari. Swade and his team were on a sensitisation visit to Katsina when they stopped by at the residence of the governor to inform him about various activities of the Commission, including the fact of the activation of the 112 Emergency Communication Number in the State.
Swade and his team later took the Senior Personal Adviser of the Governor, Faisal Jaffaru, to the ECC site in Katsina to showcase the level of work done and operational facilities at the Centre.