Saturday February 22, 2025

Consistent with the Consumer Complaints Management policy of the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), the Commission has, over the years published a summarized complaints report on a Quarterly basis as part of information service provided to Nigerian telecoms subscribers.

In furtherance to the above, the Commission has developed various channels for telecoms consumers to file their complaints. These include; the Toll free line - 622, Consumer Web Portal, various Social Media handles in addition to written complaints.

In Quarter 1 2018, the Commission received a total of 13,880 complaints from subscribers. The following charts show the numbers and percentage of complaints for each of the four major Service Providers;


Complaints by Type

The following chart shows that Billing Issues account for the highest number of complaints received during the quarter i.e. 51%, while Value Added Services (VAS) and Call Setup complaints account for the second and third highest number of complaints received by the Commission with 14% and 8.4% respectively


Billing related complaints include the following;

  • Deductions from activations of unsolicited VAS and telecom promotions and products
  • Over deduction (Inaccurate charges)
  • Charges for unauthorised services
  • Charges for unsuccessful calls
  • Charges for undelivered SMS
  • Inability to change tariff plan
  • Virtual top-up deducted but not received
  • Charges for Caller Ring Back Tune not downloaded, etc.


Trend Analysis

The number of complaints decreased from 17,247 in Q4 (2017) to 13,880 in Q1 2018 (approximately by 20%). This can largely be attributed to the rise in the level of consumer awareness and activation of Do-Not-Disturb (DND) services.

This increase can be attributed to the rise in the number of consumers that are getting aware of the Commissions' complaints channels i.e. 622 toll free line, Consumer Web Portal, various Social Media handles – twitter, Facebook, including written complaints from customers.


Analysis of Subscribers Using Do-Not-Disturb (DND) Services

The Commission had, in 2016, mandated Mobile Network Operators to set aside short code 2442 for Do-Not-Disturb (DND) Services on their networks. The DND Service affords telecoms subscribers with the opportunity to manage unsolicited telemarketing messages on their lines.

The following table shows that as at 31st March 2018, about 9.3 million subscribers have activated the DND Service on their lines.This is a 12.5% increase from the figure as at the end of Quarter 4, 2017.

DND Activation
as at 31/12/2017
Partial 68,702 4,678 26,847 31,873 132,100
Full 1,707,560 1,825,474 734,766 3,962,870 8,230,670
January 2018 Partial 2,037 656 487 612 3,792
Full 82,072 71,583 60,447 125,645 339,747
February 2018 Partial 2,397 510 315 361 3,583
Full 34,054 66,553 46,635 88,511 235,753
March 2018 Partial 4,094 612 616 488 5,810
Full 45,941 73,442 78,110 109,891 307,384
DND Activation
as at 31/03/2018
Partial 77,230 6,456 28,265 33,334 145,285
Full 1,869,627 2,037,052 919,958 4,286,917 9,113,554
TOTAL 1,946,857 2,043,508 948,223 4,320,251 9,258,839